Sherwood School Newsletter - Term 3 Week 8 2022
Term Dates
Upcoming Events
Dennie Davidson
Celebrating Tongan Language at Assembly
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Andrew Smart
Sherwood's football teams head to Rosedale Park for the 2022 Northern Bays Football Festival.
Registrations for Term 4 Summer Hockey are now open.
Sherwood School
Celebrating Māori Language Week
Students from Years 1 to 6 compete in the 2022 Auckland Primary Schools Snowsports Championships.
Carolyn Crow
Donations are coming in - thank you to those who have sent books along already.
Sherwood Parents Association
Our first event of the year was a great success - our students (and some parents) had a rocking good time at the school disco last month. A big thank you to DJBry for providing the tunes and to all our helpers!
There are lots of sporting opportunities for students within our community, read on to find out more about Cricket, Tennis and Athletics...
Sherwood's Senior Football and Hockey teams hit the fields of Kristin.
New long-term strategy for COVID-19
Look out for the flyers coming home this week with your child's special order code. You can get in early for your Christmas present shopping!
Please support our valued sponsors!
Welcome to our new student!
We once again welcomed the Korean Festival In Schools to Sherwood.
The North Harbour Primary Schools Festival wraps up for another year with a dominant display from Sherwood.
You can order a BBQ Sausage in bread (or 2) for lunch on the last day of term for your child. Order forms will be going home next week. Sausage sizzle are $2 each.
Some rights reserved Sherwood Primary , 2024