Communication Streams
Ben Gorman - February 6, 2019
03 313 7828 - Ring to talk to the office, leave absentee messages, leave messages for teachers or to request an appointment with someone. When unforeseen changes occur you can also get messages sent to your children during the day. You can also text absences to: 027 326 7247.
Office =
Principal =
Teachers can also be contacted via email their address is “first name” - click on their photo here to confirm their email.
Our school website includes a school calendar, flexibuzz news banner, previous newsletters and also an urgent message section on the main homepage.
Flexibuzz is a smartphone app that allows teachers and school administration to communicate with you via “push” messages. These messages are free for us to send, so it is a highly recommended communication tool. You can also report student absences through Flexibuzz.
If you do not have a smartphone you can sign up to receive Flexibuzz messages through email - simply visit:
Flexibuzz is also used to obtain digital "permission slips" for different trips and events.
See Flexibuzz instructions in the photo gallery below.
This page is primarily a place to celebrate the successes of our school and students. It is a closed group, so please request permission to join. We won’t bombard your wall with posts… but will provide key reminders, event invites and post photos and videos of special events.
Note: the PTA has another facebook group that you are also encouraged to join.
Linc-Ed is used to send out group emails and messages. It is also the system used to share posts on your child’s learning page - this is instead of the 'traditional' mid and end of year reports.
School accounts can be accessed and paid via Linc-Ed. The simplest way to login to Linc-Ed is to use the "Log in to Linc-Ed" button at the bottom of any email sent through Linc-Ed.