To see the complete school uniform list please download the document at the bottom of this page.
Students are expected to take pride in the presentation of their uniform. Mainland Uniforms are now the preferred supplier of our uniform. They are a Canterbury business with a great reputation for providing quality New Zealand-made uniforms at affordable prices. We acknowledge that sometimes similar products can be purchased cheaper elsewhere – however, if they are not IDENTICAL to the product supplied by Mainland Uniforms it will not be acceptable. Also, as some items are monogrammed they will not be available elsewhere.
Items can be ordered online: www.mainlanduniforms.co.nz – click on the St Joseph’s Rangiora link down the left of the page. Free delivery on orders over $50.
Or you can visit their store at 511 Wairakei Road, Christchurch.
Second Hand Uniforms
Second hand uniforms are sometimes available from the office. There is also a facebook group setup to facilitate trading of second hand school uniforms. Join it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/450020522201647/