Accessible version
by Ben Gorman


St Joseph’s is currently experiencing significant roll pressure. Early enrolment is encouraged to avoid the likelihood of disappointment.

Prospective new families are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with the Principal and have a tour of the school. A copy of the school prospectus can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.

An application for enrolment form must be completed. Those eligible for a ‘preference’ position must submit a ‘preference card’ with their application.

Thanks to a recent maximum roll increase we currently have capacity to accept enrolments for a few new entrant students in 2025.

You can see our completeenrolment policy here

  • Points to note:

    • the board has decided to adopt this policy from 1 January 2025

    • it prioritises siblings current students, then former students and children of former students

    • it prioritises students who live within the former Catholic Parish of Rangiora

    • Where more applicants exist in a qualifying priority category than applicants, places will be offered by ballot

All enrolments for 2026 should be submitted by 1 September 2025.

Online Enrolment

To apply for pre-enrollment: Download this form and complete it (including sourcing supporting documentation). Either post it or drop it into the school office.

Someone from the school will then be in contact soon to inform you of the process moving forward. If you require immediate confirmation please contact the school office. 

How do I get a Preference card?

A ‘Preference Certificate’ is a special form signed by a Catholic Priest. According to the 1975 Integration Act Catholic schools can only enrol a maximum of 5% ‘non-preference’ students.

There are very limited places available for ‘non-preference’ students, so if you are not able to meet the criteria for a preference place, you may apply to be on a ‘wait list’. To get a preference certificate you will need to make an appointment and meet with a Catholic Priest. Fr Do is always happy to oblige. Phone: (03) 313 6285

Who can meet the criteria for preference?

There are five different criteria. You only have to meet one of these. Your certificate will state which criteria you are applying under. Check each one carefully to see if this would apply to you.

5.1 Your child has been baptised, or is being prepared for baptism in the Catholic Church. Evidence: You will have a Baptism Certificate, or a letter from a Priest or Parish leader that states that your child is currently being prepared for the Sacrament of Baptism. If you do not attend Mass or have a connection to a parish, take your Baptism Certificate to your local parish priest and show him. He should give you a preference certificate.

5.2 The parents or guardians of the young person have already allowed one or more of his / her siblings to be baptised in the Catholic faith. Evidence: A Baptism Certificate for a brother or sister in the same family. Take this to your local parish priest and show him.

5.3 At least one parent or guardian is a Catholic, and although your child has not yet been baptised, the child’s participation in the life of the school could lead to the parents having the child baptised. Evidence: At least one parent or guardian has a Baptism Certificate. If this has been lost, records are usually kept in the Church where you were baptised. 

5.4 With the agreement of the child’s parent or guardian, a grandparent or other significant adult in the child’s life, such as an aunt, uncle or godparent, undertakes to support the child’s formation in the faith and practices of the Catholic Church. Evidence: The grandparent, or other significant adult, who has a connection with a Parish, will ask the Priest to sign the preference certificate.

5.5 One or both of a child’s non-Catholic parents or guardians is preparing to become a Catholic. Evidence: The parent or guardian who is preparing to become a Catholic will have a preference certificate signed by the Priest who is preparing him / her for this initiation into the Sacraments.