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Uniform at Southbridge School

Board of Trustees - January 19, 2025

Our aim is for Southbridge School students to wear their uniform with pride, to represent the school in the wider community and share a sense of belonging with their peers.

The Board of Trustees expects students to present themselves in a clean and tidy uniform; this is the responsibility of parents and caregivers.  All parents and caregivers agree to abide by the uniform policy on enrolling their child. 

The Southbridge School uniform is intended to: Promote a learning environment where students feel safe and secure; Be a major contributing factor to the tone and uniqueness of Southbridge School; Assist parents and caregivers and students in resisting peer pressure and enable staff to easily identify unauthorised personnel on the school site; Encourage a sense of pride in the school and provide a standard by which the school may be judged; and Allow students the freedom to be active (and play) at school without the risk of damaging expensive (non-uniform) clothing.  

Uniform Expectations

  1. Students are expected to wear the correct uniform tidily at all times including moving to and from school and during school trips when required.

  2. Uniform must be kept clean and mended.

  3. Wearing of correct school uniform is a condition of entry to Southbridge School and sets the standard of appearance required for all students. The responsibility for ensuring that students attend in correct uniform lies with parents and caregivers.

  4. Students who are members of school teams or groups are expected to wear the uniform provided for each particular group or team by the school.

  5. A sub-committee of the board will be established to review the school uniform as required.

  6. Procedures for dealing with students who fail to comply with the school policy on uniforms will be made clear to all students and parents.

  7. The school uniform expectations have been aligned to the Human Rights Act which forbids discrimination on the grounds of sex, religions or ethical belief, colour, race, ethnic or national origin, political belief, disability or age.

  8. The school will endeavour to assist students whose families have difficulty purchasing the correct uniform. This may be in the form of a letter to WINZ, passing on donated used uniforms or issuing uniform items for the day if available.

  9. If any parent or caregiver would like the school to modify the uniform policy (e.g. on religious grounds), they should make a written representation to the principal.

  10. Personal appearance and grooming will adhere to the following guidelines:

a. No makeup of any form is permitted to be worn at school or on school-related activities unless expressly permitted by the school for a specific purpose e.g. character days or production (not casual clothes day) activities.

b. For safety reasons, the only earrings permitted to be worn by either girls or boys at school and at school activities are one plain stud in each ear. No other jewellery should be worn. Taonga such as greenstone and bone carvings are permitted, including pendants of religious or cultural significance.

c. Safety vests are a compulsory part of the school uniform and can be puchased from the uniform shop. All children are required to wear safety vests travelling to and from school regardless of their mode of transport, when on school trips and at other times as may be required by the school.

d. Regardless of their gender, hair should be worn in a practical style appropriate for school This is required for both safety and health reasons. Hair colour and style should not provide a distraction to learning for students or their peers.

e. Wide brim school sunhats can be purchased from the uniform shop and families will be expected to supply these for their child from 2020. The are compulsory to wear in Term 1 and Term 4.