Aaron Richards - December 31, 2023
Parents and caregivers must keep the school informed of any medical conditions affecting their child. This will enable the school to take appropriate action to support the well being of the child.
Children are not permitted to administer medication themselves while at school. Parents and caregivers that require medicine to be administered at school must complete a Medicines form. The medical form and medication must be submitted to the school office. The school office administers all medication.
Forms are available from the office.
Children with Asthma and who use inhalers are required to have an Asthma Plan. Children aged 8 and older may administer their inhaler medication themselves. Children under the age of 8 can administer their inhalers under the supervision of a teacher.
Children with allergies that may affect them at school are required to have an Individual Health Plan. This plan explains how an allergic reaction can be minimised as well as details how an allergic reaction should be managed. Allergy medication is also identified on the plan.
Expired medication cannot be administered - please ensure inhalers etc are in date.