Morning prayers- sharing our lives with Jesus and listening to his Gospels.
Kath Joblin - March 17, 2022
Terry and Wendy Consedine met with our priests, groups of students, our teachers and principal, members of the school board and parents who were happy to share their impressions of our school's special character.
Every three years each Catholic school is reviewed and a report is compiled to send to the Bishop and the community. The report will provide an overview of the positive things our school is doing to support families and to provide a Christian way of life for our children. There will be recommendations for the next three years- areas where our school board and staff can focus to continue the good work that is being done to grow the faith of our children and to develop the range of knowledge they have about Jesus Christ.
Thank you to the parents who stopped on Friday morning, when invited, to talk with our reviewers. Even though there wasn't much time to talk all your comments and thoughts were recorded by the team and they will be shared with the school board when the draft report is tabled before the end of term.
Our Way of the Cross mosaics are almost complete and will be displayed before Easter in our school courtyard. Thank you to the workers who grouted 14 mosaics today - they look fabulous.
If you are wondering what you can do to support children in their faith- setting up a prayer space somewhere in your home is a great way to start. Each class has a prayer space and children bring special items which represent God to them and they place these on the prayer table.
Here are some examples of prayer spaces in our rooms at school. The colour of Lent is purple- so the tables are covered in purple cloth until after Easter.