St Thomas More Catholic School

In Catholic integrated schools there are two types of enrolment. One is the preferential enrolment which gives entry to students who have connections with the Catholic faith and the other enrolment is non-preferential which means students who are not of the Catholic faith but keen to be part of the school community.

Preferential enrolment criteria includes either a child is baptised as Catholic; a parent of a child is baptised as Catholic; a member of the immediate family is baptised as Catholic or there is an intention for the child to become Catholic. The parish priest decides whether to issue a preference card so it is important to make an appointment during the enrolment process.

Non-Preferential enrolment criteria states that:

a) Up to 12 children with non-preference status may be on the school roll at any time.

b) Parents are able to place their child's name on a waiting list. Children will be offered placement as vacancies occur in accordance with the following guidelines;

1) siblings of existing non-preference students

2) students living within the All Saints by the Sea parish

3) children of staff members

4) students living outside the schools agreed catchment area.

The date names are placed on the waiting list will define the priority within each of the above criteria.

  1. Joining our school family.

    Just give Jane a call on 5746782 or email Read more…
  2. Stationery

    Stationery packs can be purchased through the school office. Read more…
  3. Uniform

    You can buy everything from our school office, with the exception of footwear (shoes, sandals, tights/socks). Read more…
  4. Term dates for 2025

    Term 1 Monday February 3rd meet the teacher! Tuesday February 4th learning starts to Friday April 11th Term 2 Monday April 28th ... Read more…
  5. School Hours

    School hours are from 8.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Read more…

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