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by Kath Joblin

Snorkelling... article written by Hannah Anderson.

Kath Joblin - March 19, 2021

This week's writers award goes to Hannah Anderson for her very informative writing (one of three writers awards given at Monday's assembly).

On the 8th of March, Emma, our snorkelling expert, came in to fit each student with their fins, mask and snorkel. She also came to talk about the different species of common fish and invertebrates in our harbour. She told them how to identify the fish and some of their characteristics. Paua students used this information to identify the fish at Baywave.

On Tuesday the 9th of March Paua, our senior students, went snorkelling at Baywave. They learnt how to breath underwater and use their fins correctly. Mrs Nelson came too because she is a diving instructor and was also taught by Emma. The instructors brought hoops for the seniors to dive through. Each student had a partner to swim with. They were also taught how to signal to their partners. They had to swim through two hoops, dive down and get two toy fish. Then they had to snorkel down the lane, turn round and come back. The students did this twice. After our experts, Emma and Mrs Nelson, had put pictures of fish in the water the students had to identify them and remember their characteristics. They had to write down which fish they thought it was. After that they could choose if they wanted to do the deep dive or get out. As expected most of them chose to do the deep dive.

Image by: Kath Joblin

Special thanks to Emma Richardson, our lovely expert, Mrs Nelson who came and helped and our Paua teacher Mr Webster and Mrs Thomas who organised this event.