Whiria te tāngata - 23 August

Achievement Data & Playground Update

Kia ora koutou.

Most of you will have noted the rapid development over the first half of the term of the new play spaces around the school. This contract has been undertaken by Playscape and as a Board funded project, we have been really impressed with delivery and work ethic. 

Hopefully this can be opened in coming weeks and our tamariki can once again enjoy these areas but with some amazing enhancements! One of the key features will be a large waharoa (gateway) over the entrance from the Hare Puke Drive carpark which we have seen in pictures being built offsite.

As a School Board we have several touch points throughout the year which give us an indication of 'how our school is going'. Our role is to provide a governance layer which means we focus on what the school is achieving at the highest level - not on the day to day curriculum delivery and associated roles undertaken by our expert kaiako. 

One of these touch points is our student achievement data, which, as you can see from the graphics below which represent a mid-year summary, provide some pleasing results and positive trends post-covid.

Full PDF version attached below

Another touch point is the community (you guys!) and your feedback to the school which you'll remember completing this year via surveys with your tamariki at our hui-ā-whānau last term. This survey was presented as 'Rongohia te Hau' and analysed by Poutama Pounamu (University of Waikato). As you will be able to see (via the link below), the results are very affirming for us that the school and our amazing staff team continue to foster an inclusive, fun and happy place for our tamariki! 

Rongohia te Hau - Survey Results 

Lastly, I'd like to use this platform to acknowledge our team of passionate educators and support staff at Te Ao Mārama. Your work is noticed and appreciated by us all.

Nāku noa, nā

Andrew Corkill
Board Chairperson
