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by Emily Keenan

BYOD – Bring your own device.

Office - January 29, 2023

Te Ara Maurea Roydvale Schools B.Y.O.D Intention Children will seamlessly integrate ICT tools across the curriculum to enable anywhere, anytime learning to occur. Our mission statement for our learners is "Fostering a Future Generation". By giving our students greater access to technology our vision of creating motivated, independent learners and skilful and knowledgeable thinkers will be realised.

  Why B.Y.O.D? 

We live in an ever changing world where schools are not the only source of learning. Our students are using digital devices outside of school to communicate and learn. We would now like to see those digital devices being used in school to further enhance their learning. Te Ara Maurea Roydvale School is working hard to integrate the use of ICT across the curriculum on a daily basis. So far this has been achieved through purposeful professional development for our staff members and the purchasing of a number of devices we have across the school. We are now ready to take this a step further to encourage anytime, anywhere learning where students are engaged through a personal device.

We are not mandating that everyone has to have a device. We are saying that if a student has an appropriate device then they may bring it along to school and use it to aid their learning. The advantages for students who bring in their own device are many and varied. Students will still have access to the classroom laptops, computers and iPads. However, a student owned internet capable device will give them instant access to unlimited resources and enable them to support, extend, communicate and share their learning in a way that will help prepare them for their future.

Some advantages of student owned devices include:

 • Anytime, anywhere access to unlimited resources and information on the internet.

• The ability to collaborate and receive feedback from peers, teachers and family when drafting, recrafting and publishing their work.

 • The ability to develop ‘digital’ folders for their learning (that can’t be lost) through Google Apps for Education. 

• Greater ability to communicate and collaborate with teachers, parents and peers to support their learning.


Today’s world provides your children with unlimited access to a digital culture both locally and internationally. To participate fully, ethically and safely in this world our students must stand up and exercise their rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen. A digital citizen will be challenged to make sensible online choices, choices about which security systems are in place and the pathway they choose to take with their digital device. Te Ara Maurea Roydvale School has well managed systems in place to filter internet content, however, our responsibility as educators and parents is to ensure that our students access and use our devices correctly through successful choice making. This will protect them even further. With the support of families our students will feel comfortable and responsible discussing issues that arise being part of a highly connected world. Safety is of paramount importance. When families choose to engage in the BYOD process they will have read and signed the Te Ara Maurea Roydvale School BYOD policy and agreement. Students and parents/caregivers sign  a Digital Citizenship Agreement on enrolment.

What is Google Apps for Education? 

Google Apps for Education is a suite of free, secure tools that includes Gmail, Calendar, Sites & Documents. It is used for collaboration and communication no matter where you are or which device you’re using. Over 30 million students, faculty, and staff in schools around the world have gone Google with Google Apps for Education. Our intention is that eventually all students will have their own Google account that will be managed securely through the Hapara Teacher Dashboard.

What is Hapara Teacher Dashboard? 

Fostering a Future Generation Hapara is a teacher dashboard designed to manage students’ Google Apps. In brief, it allows teachers to create folders for all students. Anything a student creates using their Google Apps is shared and stored in these folders. The teacher has access to everything students create including emails. Therefore, students learn to be sensible about email content and comments made on other students’ work as the teacher has access to everything, even deleted content.

Choosing the right device. 

If you are considering purchasing a device for your child please consider the following.

 • The device must have a screen larger than 7”. 

• Keyboard (wireless if using a tablet). 

• Wireless internet capability. 

• Headphone jack with child’s own headphones. 

• Battery life - ideally the battery should last for 5-6 hours to be able to get through the school day without recharging.

 • Light enough for a student to easily carry. 

• The device must have a protective cover or bag. A sleeve type protector is not recommended as the device can easily slip out. 

• Insurance - While we take care to protect students’ property, we cannot accept responsibility for devices being dropped, damaged, lost or stolen. Please make sure it is covered for these possibilities. Check with your insurer. We will have lockable storage systems in classrooms. 

• Android tablet - Version 4.0 above with front and rear facing cameras.

 • iPad 2 or newer (including ipad mini) 

• Laptops: Windows 7 or 8, 3GB RAM. Macbook OS 10.7, 2GB RAM. Updating software is vital and is the family's responsibility. 

• Chromebook. Te Ara Maurea Roydvale School recommends the Chromebook for price, access to the internet and Google Apps for Education

Please note that ipod touches, and smart phones will not be allowed due to limits in screen size, usability for documents etc.