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by Chris Panther

2020 Enrolments and School Zone

Admin - October 16, 2019

Out of Zone enrolments for 2020

The Board of Trustees has decided to open 10 out of zone places for students who are new entrants at the beginning of 2020.



Please contact the office for details of current enrolment scheme.

Starting school is an exciting time for both children and their families. At Thorrington School we work hard to ensure each child has a positive and successful transition to school. We look forward to building a relationship with you, your family and your child.

Enrolment Procedures

To help with our planning, we encourage you to enrol your child at least 12 months before they start school. We acknowledge that not all children start school on their fifth birthday. Parents may wish to discuss their child's readiness for school with their Early Childhood Teachers and/or our Junior Team Leader.

When enrolling at Thorrington School, you will need to bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate, a copy of their immunisation certificate, a signed statement regarding your place of residence (enclosed in the enrolment pack) and supporting documentation.

Turning 5 in December?
To ensure a successful transition to school for children who turn 5 in December, we recommend that they begin in the first term of the following year.

Pre-Entry Visits
The New Entrant teacher will contact you approximately 4 weeks before your child’s fifth birthday, so there is time for two pre-entry visits before starting school. Additional visits can be arranged if necessary.

Changing Contact Details
Whenever there is a change of address, home or business telephone numbers, mother’s hours of work, medical information, or family circumstances, please inform the school promptly. Out of date information can mean that we are unable to contact you in an emergency.

Transition to School
Twice a year we hold a Transition to School Morning. Either before, or sometimes slightly after,your child starts, we will contact you with an invitation to attend this. It is a chance to meet with other parents whose children are starting at a similar time to your child; meet the junior school teachers; have a look at the uniform; take a brief tour of the school; and hopefully answer any of your queries.


Click here to view the Ministry website regarding zoning. Search for Thorrington on the left hand side, and then click show zone.

Children whose usual place of residence is within the area defined in the next paragraph and those permanently residing on both sides of the streets named as boundaries (as per postal address) are entitled to enrol at Thorrington School at any time.

Children whose usual place of residence is within the area defined in the next paragraph and those permanently residing on both sides of the streets named as boundaries (as per postal address) are entitled to enrol at Thorrington School at any time.

Tennyson Street between Colombo Street and Norwood Street (up to & including numbers 98 & 91 Tennyson Street), Norwood Street to Sandwich Road cutting across Fisher Avenue (includes west side up to & including numbers 97 & 104 Fisher Avenue), Sandwich Road between Norwood Street and Birdwood Avenue, (west side up to & including numbers 20 & 41 Sandwich Road), Birdwood Avenue to Martin Avenue, Martin Avenue to Eastern Terrace, Eastern Terrace south (up to & including number 147 Eastern Terrace), to Centaurus Road (up to & including numbers 99 & 102 Centaurus Road, excluding Palatine Terrace addresses) from Woodlau Rise to Dyers Pass Road and all streets joining Centaurus Road from Woodlau Rise to Merlewood Avenue inclusive (for example Bowenvale Avenue). The Broadoaks subdivision will include all streets accessed off Major Aitken Drive from Centaurus Road, up to but not including Huntsbury Avenue. Lower Dyers Pass Road (up to & including numbers 30 & 33 Dyers Pass Road) including Cracroft Terrace, Sulby Terrace and Rhodesvale Terrace. Cashmere Road (including Purau Terrace) to Happy Home Road (up to and including numbers 365 & 404 Cashmere Road).Streets off Cashmere Road between the eastern side of Princess Margaret Hospital and Happy Home Road, including streets off Bengal Drive, Shalamar Drive, Worsleys Road, Penruddock Rise and Happy Home Road, and on the western side of Cashmere Road from the start of Ashgrove Terrace. Ashgrove Terrace, Cashmere View Street, Rose Street east from Cashmere View Street to Barrington Street, (from numbers 67 & 100 Rose Street), Barrington Street (up to & including numbers 82 & 103 Barrington Street) from Rose Street to Somerfield Street cutting across Studholme Street and Selwyn Street (includes south-eastern side of Studholme Street from numbers 90 & 93 Studholme Street, Selwyn Street from numbers 21 & 22 Selwyn Street), Somerfield Street to Colombo Street, Colombo Street(up to & including numbers 130 & 145 Colombo Street), from Somerfield Street to Tennyson Street.

Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.

Please contact for further information.