Principal's Message
Welcome to Spring!
Visit this article9th September: Athletics sports day. 2022 Years 10-13 option selections deadline
12th - 16th September: Otago Polyfest
12th - 18th September: Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week)
13th September: School Trustee Student Rep election day. Year 7 - 9 Parent – Kaiako and subject teacher interviews
14th September: Get to Go Challenge for Year 10 Students. Board Meeting 6.00pm in D1.4
15th September: Year 11 Maths Extension Class sit final MCAT assessment (students can only sit this today)
15th – 21st September: Years 11-13 Suspended Timetable/Assessment week
21st September: School Trustee Parent and Staff Rep election day
22nd - 23rd September: Year 12 Retreat and Leadership
24th September: Mercy Day
24th – 25th September: Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh Gold Tramp
26th – 27th September: Year 12 Retreat and Leadership
26th – 28th September: Year 11 Physical Education Trip to Peel Forest
28th September: Kavanagh's Got Talent. Cultural Awards 7.00pm
30th September: Swimming Sports. End of Term 3
30th September – 2nd October: Duke of Edinburgh Tramp
These interviews are for the caregivers and students in Year 7 - 9.
Visit this articleDuring the assessment timetable week for senior students it is vital that students and parents know the importance of these practice externals.
Visit this articleE ngā whānau, tēnā tātou katoa, ko te hau o mihi e pupuhi ana ki a koutou e kaha tautoko ana i ā tātou rakatahi.
Visit this articleOur family hub has some tips to get you started with talking to your child about online behaviours.
Visit this articleFrom September 12 the largest Otago Southland Pacific Festival (a week long) will be happening at the Edgar Centre. Kavanagh will be performing on the evening of Thursday, 15th September.
Visit this articleIt's time to search for those library books hiding under beds, under couch cushions and at the bottom of school bags.
Visit this articleThere is student-led subject tutoring available to all senior students after school on Wednesdays from 3:10 - 4:00 pm in D22.
Visit this articleReminder: voting closes at 4pm on Wednesday, 21st September
Visit this articleWell done to the Kavanagh group of Year 7-8 musicians who took to the stage last Saturday in the annual BandQuest competition.
Visit this articleLast Wednesday we went to a sports tournament at the Edgar Centre for the whole day. My team was Monty, Edward, Krystal-Lee and myself. Jacob and Skye were our coaches.
Visit this articleFirst the first time in a couple of years the Otago Math Association hosted the junior OMAthalon at the Edgar Centre on Thursday 25th August.
Visit this articleA number of Kavanagh students participated in this competition last weekend.
Visit this articleIf you or your child is aged 16 to 18 years old and are interested in this option, read on!
Visit this articleCongratulations to the Year 7 Blue netball team who finished 3rd in their grade.
Visit this articleCongratulations to Charlotte Innes and Isabella McEntyre who have been selected in the Otago U13 A team
Visit this articleInformation for students and caregivers. Please see the photos below for the track and field timetables.
Visit this articleBelow is the link for the Year 9-13 Sports Awards which will be held on October 26th.
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