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Te Kura o Tuahiwi

Te Kura o Tuahiwi - Term 2 Week 9


Tumuaki Update Wāhanga 2, Wiki 9

by Mel Taite-Pitama

We have been back at kura now for 3 weeks and for the most our tamariki are settled and back into the routine of our everyday life. We have new tamariki, whānau and kaimahi this term and that is definitely worth celebrating!

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by Tuahiwi School

Friday 26th June

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Matua Tautoko AGM

by Mel Taite-Pitama

Our Matua Tautoko are a small group of whānau who support our kura in different ways. Please read the article to learn about us.

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Concerns and Complaints

by Tuahiwi School

Procedure for Dealing with Problems, Concerns and Complaints at Kura.

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Communication Boundaries

by Mel Taite-Pitama

Our kaimahi at Tuahiwi are open and willing to give our whānau time to kōrero and communicate when needed but please remember they need their personal space and time too.

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Communication Process

by Tuahiwi School

Understanding our communication process is important for whānau and kaimahi. The flow chart in our article will help whānau know what to do when they need to speak with someone at kura.

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Basketball Uniforms

by Tuahiwi School

Please return washed basketball uniforms

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Feedback with Mel

by Mel Taite-Pitama

It is important for whānau and ākonga to be able to give feedback to us so that we can continue to make improvements to what and how we operate at kura.

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Northern Bulldogs are Looking for Players.......

by Tuahiwi School

Rugby League

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Holiday Programme

by Tuahiwi School

Monday 13th July - Friday 17th July 2020

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