DioNews Issue 3, Term 3, 2023
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Dio Communications
As part of our ongoing commitment to providing top-notch facilities for our students and the wider community, we are resurfacing our hockey turf in the coming months.
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Jackie Smith - Director of Boarding
We had a beautiful student-led Boarders Leavers Service on Father's Day. Our boarding council, led by Head Boarder Emma Clapcott, supported by Rev Stephen, organised and acknowledged the time spent well by our Years 12 and 13 boarders leaving us this year. The service was followed by supper for leavers and their whaanau, where we acknowledged them for their aroha and support.
If your daughter is in Years 9-12 this year and will not be returning to Dio for 2024, please email your intentions to principal@wdsg.school.nz This information will help us as we look at the classes and timetable for next year.
The Year 9 Speech Finals were held on 14 September. Our expert judges, Miss Jacqueline Smith and Miss Nicole Coffin selected the placings of these beautiful speeches. Ngaa mihi to all our wonderful Year 9 presenters.
Well done to all the students who sat the recent Australian Maths Competition exam for 2023. We had almost 100 students sit (about 15% of the school!). Congratulations to Year 11 student Joy Liao, who received a Distinction Award and the highest mark in the school. First run in 1978, the Australian Mathematics Competition is Australia’s longest-running, largest and most well-known maths competition for school students.
Sonja Maree
The term has been busy, and we eagerly anticipate the brighter days that come with daylight savings and the shift into summer.
Six classes of Year 9 junior science students from Waikato Diocesan School planted over 1200 trees in the Kukutaaruhe Gully as part of the Fairfield Project.
Ilse Rhynes -Director of Sports
Anna Sinclair
As we approach the end of term 3, 2023, and the weather begins to inspire new beginnings, we are happy to announce that Vanessa Sharratt and Anna Sinclair are our new joint Association chairpersons.
A warm Dio welcome to the following new members of staff.
It was time to reconnect, reminisce, and celebrate as the Class of 2013 returned for their SWDOGA ten-year reunion.
Georgina Hewitt - Arts Administrator
Reverend Stephen Black
In February 2011, Christchurch was struck by a string of severe earthquakes. Many of you can remember where you were and what you were doing. I was working on the waterfront in Wellington when we discovered what had happened. A couple of my team were from Christchurch, and almost all my wife's family lived there. It was a frantic time. Cell phone signals were limited, landlines were down, and the silence was deafening. Gradually, we discovered what had happened. It was devastating.
Please refer to the website's online calendar for other important dates and the most up-to-date information.
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024