DioNews - Issue 1 Term 2, 2022
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Dio Communications
Term Two: 2 May - 8 July / Term Three: 25 July - 30 September / Term Four: 17 October - 13 December
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Dio Sports
Our Mission: To achieve excellence in sport and physical activities at all levels within a caring and rewarding atmosphere.
The last Alliance eBrief explored the research-informed ‘resistance’ against a ‘confidence culture’ espousing confidence for girls to overcome the hurdles of inequity — instead of taking action to dismantle them. This pervasive ‘confidence deficit’ has once again featured in research findings.
Rev Stephen Black
For a long time, Easter has become a kind of target. From about March, we find ourselves saying things like, "If I can make it to Easter it'll be ok." It's the promise of a long weekend; a final shot at decent weather before winter. If we stop and think about what Easter actually means - and that's a big "IF" - it is easy to shrug it off as 'crazy' and just focus (ironically) on having a holiday.
Renee Beere
The AGM for the Association was held on 12 April via an online platform, and we had a wonderful response from parents willing to get to know the Association and its role within the school and wanting to be involved where they could.
Olivia Bayne
We hope you have had a fabulous holiday and have had a great start to Term 2. Both Cooper and I have loved seeing everyone's faces back in chapel and assemblies with the beginning of hopefully more normality. This term is often filled with lots of learning and assessments, so, as well as working efficiently to stay on top of your schoolwork, make sure you take some time for yourself so that you can create some balance.
Kym Plaisted
We had 12 very keen Years 11-13 students at school on a Teacher Only Day to complete a practical unit as part of their Barista course. They will not only now have valuable employment skills but also seven Level 2 & 3 credits towards NCEA.
Mary Curran
Welcome to term two which we hope will be filled with many varied, exciting activities, traditional activities, curriculum delivery, internal assessment, and the familiar routine of winter sports practices and games. This reminds us that our girls’ educational experience at Dio extends well beyond the classroom and often includes the wider community.
“Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!”
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