New Logo for Putahi-Belfast School
Sue Elley - April 12, 2023
As part of our build programme we have been working with Morgan Mathews-Hale, an Åtautahi based artist and designer on our school logo and visual designs for the new buildings. Morganâs work is featured in many places, and on buildings here in Christchurch. You can see her designs on CCC buses, TÅ«ranga ( city library) and the pou that feature along the Northern Arterial cycleway. You can see more of her work through her website
Morgan has designed the new school logo we plan to introduce into our signage, media, and eventually our uniforms.
The designs, using our cultural narrative, reflects the merging of the KÄ Putahi stream and depics the ebb and flow of the waterways. The colours come from the existing logo with an added aqua colour reflecting the new direction for the school and energy / innovation. Tuna (eels) were a main food source for iwi living in this area in early days. The tuna depicted at the top of the design adds a unique feature to the logo.
Morganâs designs will be reflected in landscaping and buildings, such as internal window frosting, decorative panels and paving. We love the uniqueness and modern design. We hope you do too.