Ray Blank first days of 2023
Museum - Urban Art Shift
Beach Education
Mihi Whakatau
PAL Training
This week we had 12 x year 6 children go to the PAL (Physical Activity Leaders) training. They will be running lunchtime activities for younger children. They have learnt so many new skills to put into practice and make the lunchtimes a more interesting place
Visit this articleDemolition - before & after drone footage
The footage shows the school grounds prior to demolition and now the massive spaces that we have to build on.
Visit this articleJunior Playground Design
Please open the attached pdf to see the exciting new playground that will be built for our youngest students. Enjoy looking at the wonderful spaces and challenges in the design.
Visit this articleSwimming Sports 6/3/23
Sod Turning Ceremony
Unity Week
Pasifika Group -
Future aviators in Ray Blank.
Ray Blank had a visit from Will's Dad who is a pilot! We turned our classroom into an airport and even had a fly-around outside.
Visit this articleJunior Swimming lessons are underway
Some photos of the children learning new water skills. Currently, years 1 & 2 are travelling to Wharenui Pool this week and next for an intensive burst of lessons and water confidence.
Visit this articleCross Country
Photos from the day. Our tamariki showed real perseverance and resilience to complete the course. Not to mention the amount of fun and team work that went into it.
Visit this articleCelebration of Learning - Years 0-4
Thank you to all the parents/whanau who were able to attend this incredible celebration of learning - reflecting all the hard work that has been put in by your children.
Visit this articleFantastic Fun Run
Lots of enthusiasm in today's Fun Run. Thank you to all the families who came and supported our Fun Runners. Even the weather supported the event, with the rain holding off.
Visit this articleAnzac Day Art - from years 3 & 4
Anzac Day Celebrations at Fendalton School
Mihi Whakatau
Welcome to all our new students and their families. We hope you enjoy your time with us at Fendalton Open-Air School
Visit this articleYear 3/4 Hub 2 - Collecting the leaves
Some lovely descriptions of collecting the leaves.
Visit this articlePink Shirt Day
A selection of the photos from today's Non-Uniform Pink Shirt Day in support of Stopping Bullying.
Visit this articleWhānau Group
Whānau groups provide opportunities for children to work together and build relationships within the school from new entrants to Y6 in a tuakana–teina relationship. This tuakana–teina relationship is an integral part of traditional Māori society and provides a model for buddy systems Our students have embraced this model and forged lifelong friendships .
Visit this articleYear 2 students visiting the Fendalton Library
St Johns -Basic first aid
Tuakana Teina
Senior Hub 1 and Rooms 10 and 11 took part in an afternoon of Tuakana-Teina. Our senior students buddied up with a junior and they worked together to build a Waka Hourua from a limited selection of items. They spent 5 minutes planning and then worked together to build their wakas. These were tested at the end to see if they would stand up to "gale force winds"! It was a fun afternoon with wonderful learning for all involved.
Visit this articleSign Language Week
Arthur loves teaching the world about NZSL. Please see below. Check out the photos of Arthur in action!
Visit this articleTeachers vrs Students - Minecraft
Gym - Year 1 at Christchurch School of Gymnastics.
The Senior Choir performed at the North West Music Festival last week. These students have worked immensely hard to prepare for this performance and stood out for all the right reasons. What a talented bunch!
Visit this articleChildrens University
Our students using the Fendalton Library
Matariki Celebrations
Lots of amazing activities have been happening around the school to mark this event on the calendar.
Visit this articleFractured Fairy Tales - Hub 1 Year 3/4
Some wonderful examples from HUB 1 - Year 3 & 4 - Enjoy reading
Visit this articleRooms 15/16 Waka Tour/CHCH Histories
Room 10 & 11 - fun with Rockets
Last week we made some rockets and then took them outside to blast them off!
Visit this articlePrincipal for a day
Thank you, Principal Sam and Principal’s PA Fraser for being such great leaders for the day. Mrs Saunders
Visit this articleRobocup 2023
Trees for Canterbury visits FOS
We were very lucky in Week 5 to have a visit from Steve Bush (QSM) from Trees for Canterbury.
Visit this articleSenior Rug Sale
Our wonderful Year 5 & 6 students have really shown their entrepreneurial skills today. There was a huge selection of items on sale
Visit this articleTravelling Tuatara
Wow! What a great way to start the week with a visit from the Travelling Tuatara. She travelled all the way from Willowbank to visit our classes. Watching her feed on insects and learning about her habits was fascinating. We were so fortunate to be able to learn about Kiwi as well.
Visit this articleWest Zones Sports
Well done to all our teams that competed in the WestZone Competitions on Tuesday.
Visit this articleYear 3/4 visit Bottle Lake Forest
The first group of students visited Bottle Lake Forest on earlier this week with another group of children going on Friday. We were there to look at the natural flora & fauna, of the area, linking it back to our Cultural Narrative.
Visit this articleYear 3/4 - HUB 1 - Bottle Lake Forest Trip
Checking out the ecosystems and the flora & fauna of Bottle Lake forest
Visit this articleCultural Festival
Year 3,4,5 & 6 Swimming
Some snaps from the swimming programme at Graeme Condon. Our children have loved these regular swimming lessons and they have all gained confidence with their water skills
Visit this articleStrike Strum Blow
A couple of weeks ago our Strum Strike Blow students set off with their marimba and ukulele to practice and perform for the Festival. There were over 1000 other students. They did a fantastic job and enjoyed the occassion!
Visit this articleHanmer Camp 2023
Sustainability and kaitiaki
The Junior School have been learning about sustainability and kaitiaki. We headed to the beach and searched the shoreline for rubbish. It was windy but lots of fun!
Visit this articleHalloween Disco
This event totally lived up to its scary reputation. Everyone had the spookiest fun time. Thank you to the PTA and especially to Emma Slade, Juliet Turner & Stephanie Ling for the wonderful decorations - WOW WOW WOW.
Visit this articleYear 6 Wainui Camp
Some quick photos from the Year 6 Camp to Wainui. The campers experienced all weathers, but still managed to have an amazing time.
Visit this articleEOTC (Education outside the Classroom) for Years 3 & 4
So many wonderful activities have happened this week around the theme of Floating and Sinking. Enjoy their descriptions & photos from the week.
Visit this articleChoir
A couple of weeks ago the Senior Choir had a wonderful performance at the Christchurch Music Festival.
Visit this articleRead, Feed, Speed
This is one of the highlights on our calendar. It was good to see so many parents, whanau and significant adults here to spend time with their children. They read books, enjoyed a sausage sizzle (feed) and played games out on the field (speed). Even the weather played its part - thank you to our wonderful PTA & Judy Harford for the yummy sausage sizzle.
Visit this articleMaking Diva lamps for Diwali in Year 2
Poetry Finals - Middle team
Elmer the Elephant Trail
Last Saturday, Elmer’s Ōtautahi Elephant Trail started. Our FOS Elephant, Nature and Aotearoa, can be found in Westfield Riccarton, near Hoyts. This is a wonderful free trail that runs across Christchurch throughout the summer. An app can be downloaded and elephants can be ‘collected’.
Visit this articleYear 3/4 Rā Whakahira photos
Childrens University
Digi Awards 2023
A huge congratulations to the following students for their amazing achievements in the Digi Awards 2023
Visit this articleRead Feed Speed
Lots of new photos to enjoy of this special day and the special people who made this such a success.
Visit this article2023 Leavers Barn dance
This is always a highlight for our Year 6 students leaving us this year. As usual, they taught their parents some new dance moves and laughed and danced their way through the evening. We were making fabulous memories from the last few days at Fendalton School.
Visit this articleThank you to the Amazing Christchurch City Council for all their education programmes and facilities.
Please watch our video and enjoy watching all the things we have been up to in our wonderful city.
Visit this articleYear 6 - The things I've loved
Some of our Year 6 students share their favourite memories of their time in Year 6 at Fendalton School.
Visit this articleNew Zealand Army Band visit
It's not Christmas without some lovely carols. We were fortunate to have the New Zealand Army Brass Band come to school and play some lovely carols the children could sing a long to.
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