GEIS Newsletter ISSUE 1 2024
Jacob Prisk
GEIS welcomes 20 Korean International students and staff.
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Our 2024 School Road Patrol Team have completed their training so that students and families can cross the road safely using the pedestrian crossing on the busy Kaurilands Road in 2024.
On Wednesday 6th March we held our Year 7 swimming sports.
Phones away during the day
Jude Hancock
Showing our school values can earn big rewards!
Download it by searching Glen Eden Intermediate School:)
GEIS Admin
Share how you're a responsible animal guardian and be in to WIN!
Kia ora koutou katoa GEIS families and whānau,
The learning has started, friendships blooming, and EOTC adventures are leading the way!
This term we have run after school classes which include two different art classes, swimming club, badminton, fencing, drama class and cheerleading.
The GEIS girls Year 7 softball team went 5 games unbeaten at Waitakere zone, and booked themselves a spot at the Auckland Champs next week!
We are very aware that parking in and around schools at the beginning and end of each day is never easy.
admin GEIS
When considering purchasing lunch for your child, we have an online ordering system that enables you to ensure they receive a healthy lunch.
We are starting our registrations for 2024 at Suburbs Junior Rugby
At the end of 2023, the student leaders for this year were chosen. These students will lead the student council and various events throughout the year.
This is patrolled by our road safety team and staff from 8.15am in the mornings and after school to 3.15pm.
GEIS enters Schools' Orienteering Sprint Series!
Just to remind everyone that our school break times are 10.15am-10.30am, 11.45am-12.00pm and 1.00pm-1.50pm.
School hats help protect our students from the harsh New Zealand sun during long periods outside.
Term 2
GEIS is very lucky to have a Specialist programme like no other to offer to our students.
Thank you to @nzwarriorsfoundation offering the opportunity for our wāhine to take part in the Tupu Maia programme.
Kia Ora GEIS families and whānau
Strong communication is important between the School and GEIS families and whānau.
Top-tier international athletes will go head-to-head against New Zealand’s finest athletes, plus there will be entertainment, activities, and the chance to meet Dame Valerie Adams!
Some rights reserved Glen Eden Intermediate , 2024