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James Cook School

Newsletter #4 - Term 2

Welcome to our first newsletter of Term 2 - tēnā koutou katoa.


Introducing our new staff and students

by Kara Mason

This term we introduce a number of new students and staff...

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Upcoming events

by Kara Mason

We have a number of events to look forward to this term.

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School Uniform

by Kara Mason

With a change in term and weather, this is a good time to remind you of uniform for the winter season.

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by Kara Mason

Last term we introduced our Physical Activity Leaders...

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Celebrating our students

by Kara Mason

This week we celebrate our students who achieved values certificates at our recent 'mahi tahi' assembly and another more unique celebration involving one of our James Cook stars!

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by Kara Mason

You have seen in the news a focus on attendance rates. Going to school is critical for our children’s futures. The evidence is clear that every day of school matters.

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Ko wai tātou? Who are we?

by Kara Mason

As mentioned last term, you may have seen in the foyer we are starting a display to celebrate and acknowledge who we are.

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