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Knights Stream School | Mingimingi Hautoa

KSS Newsletter #12, 2019


From the Tumuaki's Table - Term 3 Week 4

by Mike Molloy

Cultural Connectedness is alive at KSS

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Coming Events

by Sue Beattie

Events coming up to add to your calendar.

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Cultural Celebrations

by Sue Beattie

Cultural connections are happening in KSS.

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Celebration Assembly Awards

by Sue Beattie

Congratulations to the following students who received certificates in our last Celebration Assembly. Ka Pai!

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Book Week

by Craig Allchurch

26th - 30th of August

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Parents Ski Meeting and Cultural Hui

by Craig Allchurch

If you are attending our school ski trip on the 13th of September, we have a parent meeting in the Ruma Kaimahi on the 5th of September. This will be the same day as our Cultural Hui.

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Are you keen to be a Parent Road Patroller?

by Craig Allchurch

We are seeking a small group of parents who are available to help us out with the morning road patrol.

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Halswell Softball Club Information

by Sue Beattie

A fantastic opportunity for children to play teeball/softball.

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Halswell Junior Cricket

by Sue Beattie

Do you want to play cricket this year, have fun and make new friends?

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