Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa—warm greetings to you all.
It has been an eventful week with the new regulations around Coronavirus. We, like all other schools have been reading the official emails from the Ministry of Education, for clear and accurate information, and acting on this advice. We have included an article in this newsletter, with the most up to date information regarding Coronavirus. Please take a read of this.
The senior camp (Years 6-8) started on Wednesday at Borland Lodge, and next Thursday our Year 3-5 children venture to Omaui. A huge thank you to the parents who are assisting with these camps. Without your support this would not be possible.
On Monday, 23 March, 2020 we have our first Teacher Only Day. This day was originally set so staff could attend Professional Development with Dr Pam Kastner who was running a course on bridging Science to Practice. This aligned perfectly with our Professional Development with Carla McNeil. Sadly, due to Dr Pam Kastner living in America, she has had to cancel her trip. Instead the staff will now complete follow up work set by Dr Murray Gadd and Carla Mc'Neil. Many of you will have seen Carla on the Breakfast show talking about her work recently. It has been great to study neuroscience and how best to teach reading utilising this information. I have asked Carla to run a Professional Development night for parents next time she is in. Please put the 9 June 2020 @ 5.45 p.m. in your dairies for this session. The parent session will run for 1.5 hours and be held in Rm 5.
We have clubs running again in Term 2. If you have an a hobby that you can take every second week with children, or could offer something for one week (we may be able to team you up with 4 others), please contact the office.
Have a brilliant week.
Kind regards
Mary Miller
Lochiel School Principal
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