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Marlborough Girls' College | Te Kāreti Kōhine o Wairau

MGC Bulletin - 28th July 2023


Ka pai Ngā Taiohi o Wairau. Kapa Haka!

by Marlborough Girls' College

32 Performers, 5 Tutors, multiple Whānau and supporters celebrated success at the regional Kapa Haka competition on the last Friday of the school holidays.

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Future thinking and working towards success

by Mary-Jeanne Lynch

He manako te kōura i kore ai - Wishing for the crayfish won't bring it.

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Chloe Kyle

Blenheim’s Chloe Kyle is a New Zealand champion!

by Marlborough Girls' College

The Marlborough Girls’ College Year 11 student took out the highest ranking at the New Zealand Highland Dancing Championships in Tauranga recently.

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Marlborough Book Festival

by Julie Brown

This July, a group of MGC students had the privilege of attending a session with poet Joanna Preston at the Marlborough Book Festival.

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Welcome to new staff

by Marlborough Girls' College

We are delighted to welcome our new team members to the MGC whanau.

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Jenny Pullin - MGC Year 13 Dean

Year 13 update

by Jenny Pullin

Jenny Pullin, our Year 13 Dean, provides an update on happenings during Term 3.

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New Zealand Secondary Schools Swimming Championships

by Marlborough Girls' College

Six students travelled to Wellington last weekend to compete in the NZSS swimming championships.The meet saw the top 500+ swimmers in the country compete for National titles.

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Year 9 at SISS Netball Tournament

by Marlborough Girls' College

Our Vet Marlborough Year 9 netball team competed at the SISS Junior netball tournament in Christchurch.

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House Netball 2023

SISS Netball

by Olivia Pinkerton

The MGC 10A netball team had a very successful South Island Secondary Schools Tournament in Christchurch during the first week of the school holidays.

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School of Rock Production

by Marlborough Girls' College

The combined colleges' production is taking place from Tuesday 1st August to Saturday 5th August. Tickets can be purchased from ASB Theatre Marlborough.

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Congratulations to our Manukura | Head Girl

by Marlborough Girls' College

Veisinia Moli strives to be the best version of herself. That’s just how she was brought up.

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Kindo online shop – coming soon!

by Marlborough Girls' College

We are excited to let you know that we are introducing Kindo as our preferred online payments option. You will be able to take care of all your school payments, permissions and registration forms, purchase uniform items and event tickets, and support fundraisers!

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Our new Attendance Officer, Brownyn Cooke

Meet our new Attendance Officer

by Marlborough Girls' College

In term 3, we welcome our new Attendance Officer to the team.

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SISS Cyclocross Champs in Christchurch.

by Marlborough Girls' College

Neve McKenzie was our sole competitor at the South Island Secondary Schools Championships.

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Underwater hockey

Underwater Hockey tournament

by Marlborough Girls' College

Students from MGC, MBC & Bohally Intermediate participated in the Underwater Hockey Centrals Zone Secondary Schools Tournament.

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Community Noticeboard

by Marlborough Girls' College

Check out what's going on around our community!

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Student Opportunities

Opportunities, Competitions & Scholarships

by Marlborough Girls' College

Click here to find out more about other opportunities currently available outside of MGC.

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