Methodist Church of New Zealand

Welcome to the November edition of Touchstone.

The atmosphere in the Connexional office has been ‘charged’ lately. We are currently in the process of introducing a new customer relationship management system (CRM) to replace a dated operational system that is no longer fit for purpose. The new data management system has been more than a year in the development phase and over recent weeks the Connexional team has been involved in testing and learning how to navigate the new technology. The testing and training phase has coincided with planning for Conference 2024. I have been hugely impressed by the response of the entire Connexional team to the challenges that come with adapting to change and coping with pressure.

We all manage pressure and change in different ways and in this edition, articles touch on the challenges, joys and sadness that come with changing circumstances.  Contributors reflect on the importance of finding hope, love and joy in aging, bereavement and differing life situations.

This year mark 40 years since the decision at Methodist Conference (Takapuna 1983) affirmed the vision for Te Hahi Weteriana to be a bicultural church, commited to power-sharing.  An article jointly written by Te Aroha Rountree, Emily Colgan and Jione Havea highlights a common misunderstanding that Te Tiriti o Waitangi is an agreement between Māori and Pākehā. Their article encourages a deeper understanding of the significance of Te Tiriti to our nation and our church and introduces a book Tō tātou Tiriti (our Treaty) that will be released at Conference. Tō tātou Tiriti (our Treaty) is the second volume of Kōrero mai – a book series by Trinity Methodist Theological College, which can be used by parishes, congregations and communities as a starting point for korero on the significance of Te Tiriti to church and society.

Wesley Historical Society has provided a brief summary of Methodist Missionaries presence at Te Tiriti signings  in response to questions  generated by the introduction of the Treaty Principles Bill into Parliament. The information in Touchstone is a vastly reduced version of the report prepared by Rev Gary Clover for the WHS, however it succinctly summarises where Wesleyan Missionaries were present at significant signings.

Christian World Service share with readers the release of ecologically focussed Advent resources, NZMWF reflect on their mission, membership, achievements and future plans, and members of the Methodist Alliance continue to deliver events throughout the motu that positively impact vulnerable communities.

I thank the many people who have contributed to this edition of Touchstone and as always, welcome feedback on the content. 


  1. Manalagi: The Church and Pacific Rainbow+ Individuals in Aotearoa

    A recent public lecture hosted by Trinity Theological College brought together diverse voices. Read more…
  2. Finding Hope and Love in Changed Circumstances

    “Only two years? It should be five.” Presidency of Te Hāhi Weteriana o Aotearoa, the Methodist Church of New Zealand, used to be for ... Read more…
  3. Lindisfarne Part of Invercargill Prayer Initiative

    A collaboration between Invercargill church leaders of many faiths and denominations is saturating the city in prayer and engaging ... Read more…
  4. Tō tātou Tiriti (our Treaty)

    There’s a common misunderstanding that Te Tiriti o Waitangi (hereafter, Te Tiriti) is an agreement only between Māori and Pākehā ... Read more…
  5. A Special Celebration at Hamilton East Methodist Parish

    A celebratory service led by Rev Tau Lasi to mark the beginning of Fijian Language Week at St John’s Methodist Church in Hamilton ... Read more…
  6. Recreate; a successful swap, repair and mend meet

    In the eastern suburbs of Ōtautahi, a series of community events is helping to support, unite, feed, clothe and entertain a diverse ... Read more…
  7. Everil Orr Living: Continuing a Legacy of Care in the Mt Albert Community

    The Methodist Mission has provided aged care in the Tāmaki Makaurau suburb of Mt Albert since Rev Everill Orr initiated the first care ... Read more…
  8. World Homeless Day 2024: A Community United in Hope

    On October 10, 2024, Auckland's St Patrick’s Square became the heart of unity and hope as the city celebrated World Homeless Day. Read more…
  9. Organist Myra Caldwell – 80 years making music.

    Te Aroha Co-operating Parish is fortunate to have three organists who play regularly for their Sunday worship. Read more…
  10. Jim's Cartoon

    Our regular cartoon that finds the funny, and sometimes not so funny, side of faith. Read more…
  11. World Day promotes Global Wellbeing

    November 18 is the World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence. The purpose of the ... Read more…
  12. He Māhuri Tōtara: Growing Christian Environmental Leadership in Aotearoa

    He Māhuri Tōtara recently took place in Ōtautahi Christchurch, marking the second year of a camp shaping young Christian leaders and ... Read more…
  13. Advocating for the Living Wage

    Rev Hiueni Nuku QSM, urges Methodist entities and individuals to support the call for a living wage for all. Read more…
  14. Wesleyan Missionaries at Te Tiriti o Waitangi / Treaty of Waitangi signings

    Recent discussion related to the introduction of the Treaty Principles Bill into Parliament has led to questions being directed to the ... Read more…
  15. He Kōrero: nā ngā Manu Pūmanawa mō te Ao.

    Sharon Waaka and Tarati Tia from Waikato Rohe, share reflections on content within Trinity College’s publication Kōrero Mai: Earth our ... Read more…
  16. Karl Marx

    In 1845, Karl Marx remarked, “Philosophers have simply interpreted the world in various ways; the objective is to change it.” And ... Read more…
  17. Aspirational Advent series available online.

    cbm NZ (Christian Blind Mission) invite you to spread the good news and invite other friends and family to join a free four-week long ... Read more…
  18. Plans

    Every parish has a responsibility to check that plans are relevant, fit-for-purpose and well communicated. Read more…
  19. Aging with Grace and Joy

    Working in aged care, I think a lot about the processes of aging, which - as I’m discovering at the ripe old age of 59 - seems a long ... Read more…
  20. The Ecumenical Basis for Mission

    Appeals for an ecumenical future will often reference Jesus ‘Upper Room discourse’ found in John’s Gospel chapters 13 through 17. Read more…
  21. Kidz Korna

    I hope everyone had a good holiday and you’re all enjoying being back at school. Read more…
  22. NZMWF National Council Meeting 2024

    NZMWF representatives from all over Aotearoa came together at the Sudima Auckland Airport from 10 - 13 October to reflect on their ... Read more…
  23. GREEN SUNDAY; ‘Plastic-free’ Starts @ Home and Church

    As the impacts of climate change become more frequent and increasingly severe, they are creating crises for people and nature around ... Read more…
  24. Church Insurance Representatives Visit Lloyd’s of London

    Wendy Anderson from MCNZ and Wayne Schache, Baptist Union NZ, recently travelled to London to meet Lloyd’s underwriters as All ... Read more…
  25. Preaching Advent hope in a climate emergency.

    What does the climate emergency mean for our Christian life? Christian World Service is responding to this question by providing ... Read more…
  26. The Apprentice

    The Apprentice is a well-made movie about a well-known man. It is also a movie about lawyers which, in real life, was delayed by legal ... Read more…
  27. Radical Kinship : a Christian Ecospirituality

    Author: Rachel Wheeler Publisher: Fortress Press: Minneapolis, Minnesota, 215pp, 2024. Read more…
  28. WWII Choiseul encounters with Japanese and American Forces

    WWII brought Japanese and Americans troops to Choiseul Bay, but there was never any attempt to kill or quell the bemused islanders. Read more…

    I met someone who had recently returned from an extensive trip to Israel and the Middle East, following a lifetime interest in what ... Read more…
  30. What does Spring bring to our Christian journey?

    As we are now in the second to last month of the year, November, we consider, ‘ What does Spring bring to our Christian journey?’ Read more…
  31. Siupeli Koula – Taú 50 e Lotu í Ponsonby.

    Kuo fakaílonga’i ‘e he fai’angalotu ‘o Ponsonby ‘a e hokosia ‘a e ta’u ‘e 50 ‘a e fokotu’u e lotu Tonga ai. Read more…
  32. Sinoti Samoa Celebrate White Sunday


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