Welcome to the November edition of Touchstone.
The atmosphere in the Connexional office has been ‘charged’ lately. We are currently in the process of introducing a new customer relationship management system (CRM) to replace a dated operational system that is no longer fit for purpose. The new data management system has been more than a year in the development phase and over recent weeks the Connexional team has been involved in testing and learning how to navigate the new technology. The testing and training phase has coincided with planning for Conference 2024. I have been hugely impressed by the response of the entire Connexional team to the challenges that come with adapting to change and coping with pressure.
We all manage pressure and change in different ways and in this edition, articles touch on the challenges, joys and sadness that come with changing circumstances. Contributors reflect on the importance of finding hope, love and joy in aging, bereavement and differing life situations.
This year mark 40 years since the decision at Methodist Conference (Takapuna 1983) affirmed the vision for Te Hahi Weteriana to be a bicultural church, commited to power-sharing. An article jointly written by Te Aroha Rountree, Emily Colgan and Jione Havea highlights a common misunderstanding that Te Tiriti o Waitangi is an agreement between Māori and Pākehā. Their article encourages a deeper understanding of the significance of Te Tiriti to our nation and our church and introduces a book Tō tātou Tiriti (our Treaty) that will be released at Conference. Tō tātou Tiriti (our Treaty) is the second volume of Kōrero mai – a book series by Trinity Methodist Theological College, which can be used by parishes, congregations and communities as a starting point for korero on the significance of Te Tiriti to church and society.
Wesley Historical Society has provided a brief summary of Methodist Missionaries presence at Te Tiriti signings in response to questions generated by the introduction of the Treaty Principles Bill into Parliament. The information in Touchstone is a vastly reduced version of the report prepared by Rev Gary Clover for the WHS, however it succinctly summarises where Wesleyan Missionaries were present at significant signings.
Christian World Service share with readers the release of ecologically focussed Advent resources, NZMWF reflect on their mission, membership, achievements and future plans, and members of the Methodist Alliance continue to deliver events throughout the motu that positively impact vulnerable communities.
I thank the many people who have contributed to this edition of Touchstone and as always, welcome feedback on the content.