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Newsletter: Term 3, Week 7

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Principal's Message

by Sue Cattell

Kia ora whānau. The students are really enjoying the new soccer goals and it is great to see them developing their skills at lunchtime and with their class. Let’s hope for more sunny days so they can utilise them even more.

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by Admin

We will be holding a ballot for out of zone students in October this year, for entry to school in 2022. This ballot includes out of zone siblings of students already attending Milford School. The final day to get a ballot application into school is Wednesday 28 September. The ballot will be drawn by our Police Education Officer on Wednesday 19 October.

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Parent Teacher Meetings

by Admin

We will be holding a parent/teacher/student meetings on Wednesday, 28 September. Bookings are to be made through Skool Loop. We are looking forward to meeting with you to have a conversation about how your child has been progressing this term and what their next steps are.

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Friday Pie Day Fundraiser!

by Admin

Help the Year 6’s fundraise towards their Year 6 Graduation event by ordering a Jesters Pie for your child’s lunch on Friday 16th September.

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by Gordana Stanojevic

On behalf of Milford School - Emma, Michaela, Derek, Daniel, and Can from Room16 wish all our Chinese families all the best in the upcoming Lunar Festival.

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by Nirelle Armstrong

Next week is Words Around The World week celebrating all things literacy, with a special connection to how words and stories bring people from around the world together.

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Praise Effort - Praise Result

by Nicola Hewitt

As parents and kaiako (teachers) we regularly praise our ākonga (young people) and that’s a good thing. Praise has many benefits, such as encouraging children to behave appropriately, and helping them feel good about themselves.This doesn’t mean that all praise is necessarily beneficial and Dr Judith Lock (Clinical Psychologist and author of the Bonsai Child) has some great tips!

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We Need Your Rocks

by Ellen von Collas

We hope you have enjoyed seeing our new tyre planters at the front and rear entrances to our school. These have been created by the children from our weekly Creative Club.

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FOMS have organised two exciting Halloween disco's next term. A Year 0-4 disco in the Milford School hall on Friday 28th October from 5-6.30pm and a Roller Disco for Year 4-6 at ActivZone in Glenfield on Sunday 30th October 3.30-5.30pm - please save the date.

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Story Sharing in Year 3

by Ellen von Collas

During our unit of inquiry, How We Express Ourselves, we learnt that humans use storytelling in different ways to express emotion, cultures and perspectives. The purpose of stories is usually to entertain, to educate, to inform or explain, to promote something, or to express emotions. Sometimes stories have more than one purpose. We also learnt that stories can be told from different perspectives and that there can be many versions of one story.

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Year 4 ESOL Report

by Gordana Stanojevic

Year Four students are inquiring into HOW WE ORGANISE OURSELVES. They are learning about how communities work together to keep economies functioning. Jerry, Lydia, Lam, Jason, Jaydon, and Landon have been learning new vocabulary for a better understanding of the lines of inquiry of their current unit. In their ESOL class, they have been given a price list of groceries and a budget of $50.00. They were asked to select 7 items and work out the total spent. They are all brilliant in Maths. Well done!

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Gardening Club Update

by Iris Leng

What a lovely sunny lunchtime we had on Rāpare. The children planted seed potatoes in buckets. As the potato shoots extend, we will be adding more soil to the top when needed. The lemon tree also yielded quite a lot of fruit, so we happily harvested one each to take home.

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by Eugenie Middleton

In music this term, we have been linking with the Central Ideas of what is happening in the various year-level classrooms. This is one of the amazing things about teaching through IB PYP! For example, in year one, we have been focussing on teaching the elements of music through emotions and feelings as part of the unit - "How We Express Ourselves." They have been looking at the Inside Out characters in class, and so have we!

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by Admin


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by Admin

Where - Milford Tennis Club, End of Dodson Ave, Milford. 2pm-3.30pm

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Tim Bray Theatre Company Presents The Whale Rider

by Admin

A modern classic of Aotearoa by Witi Ihimaera. Adapted for the stage by Tim Bray. We are thrilled to bring Witi Ihimaera’s classic story The Whale Rider back to the stage in a children’s theatre show unmatched. This beautifully rich story of whānau and tikanga is masterfully translated into a live performance that will absorb the viewer, from start to end. A poignant tale of forging paths and self-belief, this is the show all children need to see.

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Holy Moly Arts and Crafts

by Admin

School Holiday Program and after school classes.

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Does your child love sports? ⚽🏀

by Admin

Ethos has you sorted for the school holidays, running a 2-day programme, involving some of the following:

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Skids Holiday Programme

by Admin

Need a safe and fun holiday programme for the kids over the school holidays? Our before and after school care team, SKIDS, are running their holiday programme filled with fun activities and trips.

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Community Notices

by Admin

Please note that the following advertisements are from external sources / businesses and are intended to be informative for the reader. This does not imply that they are endorsed by Milford School.

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