Principal's Message, Thursday 14 April, 2022
Have an amazing holiday break!
Visit this article2022 School Terms
Reminder: Staff Only Day Friday 20 May
Our amazing student leaders worked really hard to pull together a whole bunch of fun activities and experiences for students to take part in over lunchtime on Wednesday.
Visit this articleThe regional finals of the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival were held this last week in Nelson/Motueka. As with previous years Nayland College students did exceptionally well and brought home a number of trophies and awards. Congratulations!
Visit this articleAn important opportunity to discuss your child's goals, their learning and progress - happening in weeks 2 and 3 of term 2.
Visit this articleEach fortnight we have the privilege of getting to know a little bit more about one of our 2022 'New to Nayland' teaching staff. Today we meet Andrew Nyhoff who spends his days teaching tomorrow's young heroes all the fascinating principles of science.
Visit this articleCourageous Conversations is a four part mini series where a migrant to New Zealand gets to tell their story to an inquisitive and sensitive New Zealand listener. Year 12 Nayland College student Astrid Sayer is one such listener and has done an amazing job as interviewer.
Visit this articleThrough the incredible power of technology, Mr Steve Cutler, an Otago University lecturer, ran a Nayland College Level 3 Biology lesson via zoom.
Visit this articleThis music themed QUIZ NIGHT is a fundraiser for the Nayland College Music Department trip to the Wellington Band and Orchestra Festival (WEBO).
Visit this articleAs previously advertised, school will close at 1:00pm today for Achievement Conferences. There will be no lessons next Thursday 19 May and Friday 20 May due to Achievement Conferences and NCEA Review Staff Only Day. Students are expected to attend their achievement conference and attendance will be marked.
Visit this article30 students are attending Trades Academy this year, gaining practical experience at NMIT each Friday in their chosen trade. A number of students have also taken part in multi day courses at Whenua Iti Outdoors
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