Opihi College Newsletter - May 2024
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Ferdinand Gerber
10 of our Year 7/8's participated in South Canterburry Rugby's Rippa Day at Ashbury Park. It was a fun day out and they won 4 of their 7 matches. Well done!
Jessica Smith
The school ball is happening on Thursday 27th June this year (day before Matariki long weekend) for Year 11-13 students.
Notices for May 2024:
Kate Manson
Students represented our school with pride at the ANZAC Day services, demonstrating respect and honouring the significance of the occasion through their participation.
Sport Co-ordinator
Our students enjoyed playing volleyball in their break time this week.
In an effort to make cross-curricular links, we brought some Science into the workshop.
Opihi College will be holding a Teacher Only Day on Friday 31st May 2024. Please note that the following Monday, 3rd June 2024, is the Kings Birthday statutory holiday and the school will be closed for instruction.
Art Department
The Art Department are hoping to create a collective art work which would be created using 2 litre plastic milk bottle tops. We would gratefully accept donations of plastic milk bottle tops at the school office. Thank you!
Thank you all for your support of our recent fundraisers to assist Mr Peters with his purchase of medication for cancer. The Mufti Day and Sausage Sizzle raised $1,270.
Cath Gilson
Exciting News! A group of four Opihi Seniors have been accepted to attend Careers Week at the New Plymouth Tourism school in July.
Meghan McNally
All welcome to join this free competition held on Tuesday nights at the Southern Trust Events Centre in Timaru.
Well done to the following students who have recently achieved a CARE Challenge award.
Anna McNoe
Welcome to the journey of discovering values and skills that go beyond rugby. Diving into culture and forging friendships that last. Opihi College student Coby Hines took part in the 2024 E tū Toa NZ Rugby Māori Under 18 Boys Ngā Whatukura camps. These camps are an opportunity for all Māori rangatahi to participate and succeed as Māori.
Get ready for an exciting adventure! Year 7 Camp in Term 4 offers 3 days of outdoor fun. Students will experience abseiling, canoeing, camping skills, and trust activities.
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