Tēnā koutou Otago - Welcome to our November eNewsletter.
Inside you will find information on:
- Who and what we funded in our September and October grants round for 2022;
- New trustee appointments recently made by the Minister of Finance as outlined in the CE update;
- Links to funding opportunities that may be of interest, alongside useful resources supporting the Not for Profit sector;
- A number of grantee stories covering projects that the Otago Community Trust has recently supported;
- A summary of recent research undertaken by Otago Community Trust on the Sport and Recreation sector in Otago, alongside a policy update with respects to Aged Care / Rest Homes funding;
Remember Otago Community Trust is here to help with a wide range of community projects. Click across to the OCT website - www.oct.org.nz for more information or give us a call on 0800 10 12 40.