Enviro Groups
Springston School - March 19, 2020
We are proud to be a BRONZE Enviro School.
Enviro School
We used to have an Enviro Team but now each teacher tries to include an environmental element in their class learning. In the last few years, ākonga has been involved in reusing and re-cycling their waste, and groups of ākonga have been involved in local tree planting to help re-establish local waterways.
Last year one of our classes was part of a group of schools that participated in the Aquatic Bug Bags Pilot 2024 Waikirikiri Awa. The ākonga created bag bugs that were placed in the water at Chamberlains Ford, they were then left for a few weeks and then retrieved to determine what aquatic life was present - this helps determine the health of the waterway.
We are in a phase of rebuilding our enviro school focus so that we can collaboratively create a new vision board and have a school-wide focus on projects that we would like to work on.
The local Lions built some garden beds at the school so that ākonga can experience garden-to-table cooking. It takes some working out to ensure we have produce growing when the students are at school rather than coming on over the summer while we are not here.
This year we hope to continue to work within our area with planting local waterways and restoring wetlands. We also would like to work on..
Future projects:
Growing in and cooking from our class garden beds
Reestablishing our Chickens at school
Reestablishing the Worm Farms and compost bins
Class training with 'Waste Busters'
Establishing a recycling station