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Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School

Newsletter 19 - Friday 1st December.

Upcoming Events

1 Dec. - PB4L Fun Day

1 Dec - PTA Sausage Sizzle

6-8 Dec. - 2024 Classroom Transitions Week

8 Dec - School Assembly

11 Dec - Reports Sent Home

11 Dec. - Pōhutukawa Fun day

15 Dec. - Yr 8 Fun Day

15 Dec. - Rata Final Assembly (9.15am)

18 Dec. - Totara Final Assembly (9am)

18 Dec. - Pōhutukawa Final Assembly (11am)

18 Dec. - Kahikatea Final Assembly (1pm)

18 Dec. - Yr 8 Dinner & Dance (5.30pm)

19 Dec. - Last Day 2023 - School finishes 12.30pm


Principal's Pen

by Simon Moriarty's December!!! The end of 2023 is near and boy have our students and staff been busy!!!! Many of the experiences our students are lucky to participate in can't be done without your ongoing support with transportation and parent help. We are very grateful to have such a supportive community.

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2024 Classroom Structure

by Simon Moriarty

Hi team. The 2023 finish line is coming into view.....slowly!!! We are now in a position to communicate with you next year's structure, including welcoming some new staff as well as farewelling some of our amazing team.

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Transitions to 2024

by Admin

This year Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School will continue conducting transitions to 2024 as we did in 2023. This approach was incredibly successful for students, staff, and our parent community.

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2024 Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School Uniform

by Simon Moriarty

We are excited to finally be able to share with you the new uniform options that you are able to purchase for the beginning of next year. These decisions have been based on the uniform consultation feedback that we completed during 2022 - 2023.

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Canterbury Athletics Sports

by Simon Moriarty

This week we had a team of 13 tamariki attend the Primary Sport Canterbury athletics day at Nga Puna Wai.

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Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School ākonga (students) graduated from Te Mātāpuna Mātātahi (Children’s University)

by Admin

On Tuesday 21st November, 34 Te Ahi Kaikōmako ākonga (students) graduated from Te Mātāpuna Mātātahi (Children’s University) at a ceremony in the Christchurch Town Hall. In addition, four students graduated in absentia.

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Whānau Hui

by Simon Moriarty

Last week around 180 students, teachers and whānau members of Te Ahi Kaikōmako gathered for our whānau hui.

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Back to School Stationery 2024

by Admin

Beat the rush! Order your back-to-school stationery in December

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Others Matter - Dominik

by Simon Moriarty

During our assembly last week we had a special guest - Jane Rollings from Nurse Maude. She came to assembly to say a HUGE thank you to Dominik in Studio 7 for his recent donation of $3000!!!! Dominik has been saving his money and helped co-ordinate a big bake sale, all funds were presented to Nurse Maude! What an awesome way of showing our E Tū Tāngata mindset of 'Others Matter.'

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You Have Value - Homegrown Heroes

by Simon Moriarty

At last weeks assembly we celebrated some awesome young tamariki!

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Pōhutukawa Market Afternoon

by Simon Moriarty

Thank you to our hapori for supporting our Pōhutukawa market and learning celebration. During term three and four our team have explored the concepts of sustainability and technology, this learning culminated in our market day! The market was a huge success and the final tally was $1101.00!! The tamariki will be deciding what charities to koha the money to during the week.

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Rhythmic Gymnastics Open Day

by Rolleston Office

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Free summer holiday coding activities for your school students

by Rolleston Office

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Selwyn Sport Centre- Jan Holiday Programme

by Rolleston Office

15th-19th January 2024 -

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End of Year Early Finish Care

by Rolleston Office

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Christmas Holiday Programme – Bookings Open

by Rolleston Office

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by Rolleston Office

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