Hagley News - Feb 2018
Welcome back to the first News @ Hagley in 2018! We have an exciting year ahead and look forward to sharing it with you.
What else is coming up?
Check out our dates and events on the Hagley website:
2018 and Events
Darryl Low
The New Year has certainly kicked off for Hagley’s Performing Arts department - it’s a hive of activity already!
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Jenni Holden
There are a number of important events happening at Hagley College this term.
Rowan Milburn
Go to the App Store on your Apple device or Google Play on your android device and search 'SchoolAppsNZ' to download the app.
Mike Fowler
In our first few weeks, there are several things that have made Hagley such a vibrant place to be part of.
Ros Jackson
Andy Johnson is our new teacher of Motion Graphics/Animation at Hagley.
Suzanne Waters
Starting high school is one of those “big moments” in all our lives.
I had the pleasure of catching up with two Hagley students who both spent time overseas last year as part of international exchange programmes. Welcome back, Ava Trevella and Amy Eveleigh!
Jenny O'Sullivan
Thanks to the 23 stunning Year 13 students, along with the 8 dedicated Hagley staff, that spent the last few days of the school summer holidays on the Year 13 Inaugural Leadership Development Camp at Hanmer Springs.
On Monday January 29th the Central City Schools Cluster, of which Hagley is a part, hosted Nathan Wallis from Brainwave.
Marie Stribling
Hagley has again offered students an opportunity to complete unfinished University Entrance qualifications over summer, allowing them to move on to tertiary study and other chosen pathways.
Meet the Teacher evenings for Parents, Caregivers and Whānau of Year 9-13 students are coming up soon.
Regan Stokes and Jasmine Lambert
Ngā Miro e Toru is an integrated Māori language and English course for 9SK which started this year.
Michael Gilchrist
Hagley’s counselling team offers support for students for a multitude of issues. The team works out of Simpson House, just south of the main block.
Leoni Combrink
Struggling to know what to do with your interval and lunchtimes? Join a club or activity! We are fielding a few requests from parents and students about what we have available in terms of clubs and activities at Hagley. Here is a summary of what we currently offer. There is quite a selection! If you can help out with offering anything in the way of clubs and activities we would love to hear from you.
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