DioNews Term 1, Issue 3 2023
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Dio Communications
AGM - Wednesday, 5 April 2023, at 7:00 pm in the CRC meeting room. All welcome.
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On the 20th of March, we welcomed our two Downe House exchange students, Annabel Jackaman and Georgia Ainscough, who are hosted by two of our Year 10 students, Gabby Hall and Olivia Bell.
Congratulations to all our Dio athletes currently representing Dio at Summer Tournament.
This popular Dio fundraising event will be held in the school gym on Friday, 12 May.
Mary Curran
This Wednesday (5 April), our Dio School Association will hold its AGM. These dedicated parent helpers organise school events, fundraise and help to create a strong school community.
Photos from the Year 9 Camp and House Fun Athletics Day can be viewed here.
Please refer to the website's online calendar for other important dates and the most up-to-date information.
Holy Week invites us into the story of Jesus' last days. It begins with the triumph of Palm Sunday (and his entry into Jerusalem) and concludes with the bodily resurrection. Each day in between recognises a significant event - to learn more, look at our school Insta page.
Sue Wylie
During this term, all Year 12 students have had career education classes as part of their pastoral line. The focus has been on exploring the options available once they leave Dio.
The Year 10 Exchange programme offers an exciting opportunity for students to experience a new culture, attend school overseas and live with a host family in that country.
A warm Dio welcome to the following new members of staff.
Fourteen Dio students and 14 Dio staff participated in the Relay For Life 2023 event at Claudelands Oval on Saturday, raising $3316 - the third-highest fundraiser amongst the schools that participated.
Waikato Diocesan School For Girls’ major production for 2023 is Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024