DioNews - Issue 1, Term 3 2024
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HR Department
A warm Dio welcome to the following new staff members.
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Sports Office
Welcome to Term 3! We are now well over halfway through the year, which means sport in Term 3 is back in its usual hustle and bustle. Term 3 brings the second half of our winter sports seasons, Winter Tournament Week, Blue’s applications for the Sports Awards Open, and various trials for our summer sports.
Dio Communications
Mary Curran
Spring is slowly beginning to creep into our days. You can certainly see it and smell it around Cherrington at the moment. Soon all the cherry trees around the Chapel will be bursting into bloom. I’ve also noticed that when I wake up in the morning and leave school in the evening the sky is not so dark and I know that it will be getting lighter as each day arrives throughout the term.
Our uniform shop is moving off campus to a new, convenient central city location! This move is designed to make your shopping experience even better, with easier access for families and students from all around the city.
Over two magical nights, our talented dance students took to the stage and wowed us all with their incredible performances! The stunning choreography, energetic performances, and beautiful costumes were breathtaking.
Anna Sinclair
Term 3 is an exciting one for the Parents' Association.
We are thrilled to announce that Waikato Dio has won the Wintec Culinary Fair TOP SCHOOL AWARD for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW! 🏆👨🍳👩🍳
Our two visiting Baylor School exchange students, Olivia and Yulissa, were farewelled from Dio in our final Term 2 Chapel service. Below are some excerpts of their wonderful farewell presentation to our school community in the final assembly.
Please refer to the website's online calendar for other important dates and the most up-to-date information.
On a foggy Waikato morning, our Toshimagaoka students arrived from Tokyo, Japan. We are fortunate to have a long-standing relationship with Toshi (the first group attended in 1990). The students were formally welcomed into our school with a pōwhiri followed by morning tea with their Dio buddies. Konnichiwa!
We recently held the finals for our Junior English section competition to see who would represent our kura at the Tainui Regional Ngā Manu Korero competition.
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024