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Woodstock Pukeora School

Newsletter, Week 6 - Term 4, 2022


24 NZEI Paid Union Meeting - SCHOOL FINISHES AT 12:15 PM
24-25 Year 4 Camp Karakariki
25 Road Patrol Fun Day
29 Junior School Athletics Day


2 Junior School Athletics Postponement Day
4 Weetbix Triathlon
7 Year 6 Leavers
8 Fairfield Cluster Athletics
9 Year 6 Leavers' In-House Fun Day
14 Whole School FUN DAY
15 End of Year Awards Assembly 9:00 am (your child's teacher will call you if your child is receiving an award)
16 Last Day
16 Visit 2023 classes & Reports Home - Early finish time of 1:30 pm


Principal's Message 24th November

by Paula Wine

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Staffing Updates

by Paula Wine

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by Jo Brooks

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2023 Term Dates

by Paula Wine

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Junior Athletics Day

by Hannah Goodbehere

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Room 17 Cooking Program

by Bronwyn Nicholas

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Bio Blitz Trip

by Jo Brooks

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Character Dress-Up and Grandparents' Morning

by Paula Wine

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Athletics Results

by Claire Blomfield

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Vision and Hearing Checks in School

by Paula Wine

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Christmas Love Bomb

by Jo Brooks

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Looking for Donations for Prizes

by Paula Wine

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BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

by Claire Blomfield

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Kiwi Exam Results

by Claire Blomfield

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