Panui Whitu 2023

2023 Speech Competition

    by Geraldine High School Images

On Thursday 29th June, Year 9 -13 speech finalists gathered in the library with friends, family and some hardcore judges to deliver their speeches. Students presented a wide range of topics to a captivated audience. From unpacking the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, to convincing the audience to grow beards and move to Mars, to speaking about the importance of having a positive mindset - our finalists really had it going on.

Judges Suzanne Pidduck, Jason Shaw, Adelaide Couch-Snow, and Maria Heitkonig had a difficult time choosing overall winners this year, with mere points between students who placed and those who didn’t. While every single competitor did us proud, the official placing of prize-getters is as follows:

Year 9-10

1st - Seth Baker on Why All Men Should Grow Beards

2nd - Ann Serrano on The Mystery of MH-370

Years 11-13

1st - Nikki Alinar on Gratitude: The Forgotten Value

2nd - Mackenzie Waldron on Mother Earth (Slam Poetry)

3rd - Hunter Wilson on Mankind to Mars

A special mention must also be given to Kenneth Sami and TJ Ocon, who received the prize for the least number of correct answers in the quiz that was run throughout the evening… Better luck next year, boys.