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He Tīwai Mātauranga Heaton Normal Intermediate

Newsletter, 30 November 2023


Monday 4:  Rock Band concert, 6.00 p.m., PAC

Wednesday 6: Music appreciation concert, 5.30 - 7.00 p.m., Hall

Friday 8: Christmas dress up day

Tuesday 12: Year 8 big day out, Jellie Park 10.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m.

Wednesday 13: Year 7 ice skating Kōwhai/Hīnau

Wednesday 13: Year 8 Leavers' Dance

Thursday 14: Year 7 ice skating Raukawa

Thursday 14: Year 8 Prize Giving Assembly 1.30 p.m.

Thursday 14: Year 8s last day of term, 3.00 p.m. finish

Friday 15: Year 7 Prize Giving Assembly, 11.00 a.m. - 12 noon

Friday 15: Year 7s last day of term, 12 noon finish 


James Griggs, Tumuaki/Principal

by James Griggs

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Well Done

by Office @ Heaton

Congratulations to Robbie and Ruan, Rm16 who were selected for the Aotearoa NZ Māori Rugby Leage 13s Tama Team that participated in the Pacific Youth Cup Tournament recently in Auckland. Well done.

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by Whaea Chrissy

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CAIMS Athletics

by Kate Henderson

On Thursday 23rd November, Heaton was represented at the CAIMS Athletics Champs by 59 competitors who were selected from our recent school athletics champs.

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Ngā whiwhinga DigiAwards 2023

by Aine Elliott

He Tīwai Mātauranga Cultural Narrative Minecraft Project wins Year 7-8 Runner-up Award at the DigiAwards 2023

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Heaton Students Attend Write On Masterclasses

by Joan Green

Heaton writers from both Year 7 and Year 8 have been attending these classes offered by the Write On School for Young Writers. Here are two short pieces from Term 4 classes. One was written at a masterclass on artefacts. The other is from a horror genre masterclass.

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The best gift is the one that you give.

by Fiona Taylor

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Beware the Summer Slide!

by Jane Boniface

And I’m not talking water slides! The “summer slide” is a well documented decline in reading achievement that children can experience while they are away from school over the long summer break.

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Talking about Secondary School with your child

by Office @ Heaton

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Heaton Policies

by Board of Trustees

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Reporting student absence through the Hero App

by Office @ Heaton

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2023 Term Dates

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2024 Term Dates

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Community Notices

Community Notices

by Office @ Heaton

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