Term 3 Connect Magazine 2022

Junior Secondary Gallipoli Exhibition

by KingsWay School

For three and a half weeks, the sounds of snipping, glueing, hammering and general crafting could be heard from the Social Studies pods of Junior Secondary. One hundred and eighty students were busy preparing their showpieces for the inaugural ‘Gallipoli Exhibition’, as they each explored one aspect of the famous ANZAC campaign. Together, they told the story from the outbreak of war through to events that led to Gallipoli, how the ANZACs lived, fought and died, and finally, the evacuation.

The exhibition looked fantastic and was an immersive, walk-through experience chock-full of information. Students ran with the opportunity and even surprised the teachers with their creativity. Personal highlights included 3D printed miniature battleships and forts, multiple intricate dioramas, life-sized weapons, a trench, dugout and a body, an interchangeable uniform, a stained-glass regimental flag, stop-motion animations, documentaries, and even a VR experience. In addition, they made posters, models, websites, digital games, interactive displays and various foods to sample.

Hundreds of Primary, Middle and Senior School students and scores of parents, grandparents, teachers and friends visited the exhibition during the two-day show. Everyone was impressed with the enormous effort made and the exceptional quality of the whole exhibition.

Mr Budler was overwhelmed, saying, “I’ve never seen anything like this. Not even close.” Feedback overall has been incredibly positive, both from those who visited and the students themselves.

The Gallipoli Exhibition has become another shining moment in the launching year of Junior Secondary, and we’re excited to announce that we’ve made it an annual feature of the Mud ‘n Blood unit in Year 10 Social Studies. If you missed it this year, be sure to check it out in 2023.

Simeon Hawkins & Bronte Vlaardingerbroek
Junior Secondary Social Studies Teachers