Term 3 Connect Magazine 2022

Service and Leadership - Middle School

by KingsWay School

Wider Learning - Gardening

In the Middle School gardening option for Wider Learning (WDL), we planted, weeded, and watered the fruits and vegetables in the school garden. The whole experience was really fun, teaching us basic skills and responsibilities to maintain a healthy garden patch. We grew plenty of new plants, with us reaping the benefit of learning to taste new foods. Some were also donated to the community food bank.

Image by: KingsWay School

Image by: KingsWay School

We focussed on plants that could be suitable for winter days, planting spring onion, beetroot, brussel sprouts and cabbage, as well as keeping the original, healthy plants thriving. Gardening far exceeded our expectations, and we highly recommend it. Not only does it improve skills, but it also teaches you about working collaboratively to reach a goal. Our hope is that this will become a thriving garden that can feed communities in need.

- Abby Phoon, Jana Hanekom & Karla Schütte, Year 8 students

Wider Learning - Dance

In the Dance Leadership Wider Learning option, students learnt effective ways to lead and teach in a dance space. They put these skills to the test by teaching some Year 1 dance classes at the Primary School. The Middle School students worked with the Year 1s in small groups to teach, practice and perform a dance in front of their peers. Every student approached this opportunity with such enthusiasm. It has been a joy to witness the natural leadership abilities within Middle School and the willingness to serve. I am looking forward to seeing these students grow in leadership and pursue further opportunities in teaching dance.

Yvonne Neville
Assistant Head of Middle Years

Going to the Junior Campus to teach Year 1 dance classes was rewarding, as we got to interact and see the children’s excitement about dancing. I found teaching the little kids so enjoyable because we got to help them with the choreography and teach them new things. I learnt so much from this experience and had lots of fun.

- Elsa Liu, 7BBE

Wenderholm Regional Park Service Day

At the end of Term 2, 100 Middle School student volunteers plus teachers and parents travelled by bus to Wenderhlom Regional Park. The park rangers rely on the help of KingsWay School to complete planting that needs to be done before summer. This year, students dug holes for 200 spinifex plants as well as clearing unwanted weeds in the sand dunes in preparation for planting. Students were informed of the importance of spinifex; it is the main dune-forming indigenous plant in New Zealand and thrives under high wind, salt spray and eroding conditions. They also learnt how to remove the plants from their containers and prepare them for planting. At the end of the day, the park rangers were very impressed and gratified by the contribution of KingsWay Middle School students.

Image by: KingsWay School

Yvonne Neville
Assistant Head of Middle Years

The 2022 Service Day at Wenderholm Regional Park was a great opportunity to help the local community. There were various jobs to get done like pulling out weeds in the planting zone and planting the plants. This was an excellent opportunity to work and connect with other students while also being out and about in the lovely environment. We also got to know the people who worked at the park. As well as being fun, the day gave you the pure satisfaction of being able to help the community.

- Nico Mahuru, 9MSM

Image by: KingsWay School