Term 3 Connect Magazine 2022

International Student Principal's Lunch

by KingsWay School

This term our Year 13 international students enjoyed a celebration lunch with Mr Bennett and Mr Budler. Our international students have not returned to their home country for over two years, so this was an opportunity to acknowledge their commitment to completing their KingsWay School education journey.

The graduates include:

  • Gordon Chung
  • David Huang
  • Ashelly Kim
  • Henry Xu
  • Lewis Yoo
  • Annie Zhang

Alumni Reunions and Sports Day

by KingsWay School

We decided to kickstart our annual alum events again this year. The only problem was that we had missed three years of reunions. So we decided to try hosting these reunions simultaneously with the annual sports event, which was a huge hit. A particular highlight for many staff was that a few alumni brought their young families and spouses to the event.

Sadly, the alums dominated the competition, winning all the games. However, the students want to send an early warning that they aim to change this next year and come prepared to upset the favourites.

Thank you to the organisers and alumni who attended the event. We plan to host this every year. While we will focus on certain year groups and the sporting competition, we encourage everyone to attend and diarise this day as a dedicated time for a catch-up with your schoolmates.