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Middleton Grange School

Newsletter #2 - 4 April 2023


From the Principal

by MGS

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SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival 2023

by MGS

Over the weekend...

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Middleton Grange School Athletics – South Island Championships 2023

by MGS

Surrey Park Track – Invercargill - Friday 31st March – Sunday 2nd April Report

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Year 4 visit to City

by MGS

The Year 4 classes...

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Year 7 Māori

by MGS

In Year 7 Māori class...

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12 PE Leadership Photos

by MGS

The Year 12 Physical Education classes...

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Year 2 - Room 4

by MGS

Room 4 students...

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9SC Camp at Mt White

by MGS

9SC were very excited...

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Year 7/8 STEM Classes

by MGS

The Year 7/8 STEM classes...

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Polyfest 2023

by MGS

Polyfest was a great day...

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Year 8 Leadership Week

by MGS

The Year 8's enjoyed...

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National Triathlon Champs, South Island Mountain Bike Champs and Geraldine Adventure Race

by MGS

In the last week...

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Jazz Band visit to Primary School

by MGS

Our first Music Academy...

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by MGS

On Tuesday 21st March...

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Careers Trip - Sail GP

by MGS

The Careers Department...

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Online Cooperation with Japan

by MGS

Year 10 students...

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International College start of year BBQ

by MGS

Finally, we were able...

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Inzone Careers Coach

by MGS

On Thursday 2nd March...

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Education Perfect Global Languages Championship

by MGS

Alexandria Dodd (Y12) and Annika Lau (Y10)...

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Mainland Schoolboys Futsal Competition

by MGS

On March 11-12th...

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Primary Enviro Team

by MGS

The Primary Enviro team...

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Library Redevelopment

by MGS

The Secondary Library...

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by MGS

Veronica, Tessa

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