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by Denise Torrey

Reporting to Parents

Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo - May 2, 2024

Reporting is about fostering learning partnerships between students, parents and teachers. We report in a number of ways.



  • Provide ongoing opportunities for parents to engage meaningfully in the process of their child’s learning.

  • Report to parents on the progress of their child against Curriculum levels.

  • Provide parents with information about their child’s development against Somerfield SMARTs.

  • Create opportunities for parents to engage meaningfully in the development of their child’s learning goals.

Getting Connected

Held at the beginning of the year before classes start to set goals.

Written reports

End of Term 2 and Term 4 covering literacy, mathematics and SMART goals.


Learning shared digitally from the 8 learning areas.

Learning Journeys

Beginning of Term 3 with tamariki and their whānau -  review goals and set new ones.

Parent Partnerships

Collaboration or rōpū share some aspect of learning each term.