Rōpū Information
Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo - April 22, 2024
Waka Kōtahi (NE)
Waka Kōtahi, our new entrant rōpū, are a part of our Waka Mōkihi team but also have their own unique character. Their name, Waka Kōtahi, symbolises the first steps onto our waka, joining the team and gathering together as one.
For us at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo, this waka draws symbolism from the value of kotahitanga, and is derived from the whakatauki ‘he waka eke noa’ meaning a waka we are all on with no exception. As our new tauira join our school, they and their whānau are getting aboard the waka so to speak, we aim to help them feel the kotahitanga we know so well here at Somerfield. After all, being grounded and having a sense of belonging is essential as they, and their whānau, start their educational journey with us.
The Ropu leader for Kōtahi is Gillian Cree.
Waka Mōkihi (Year 1/ 2)
A waka mōkihi is a form of raft, fashioned mainly from Raupō reeds and Harakeke woven together. It is not for going in big waves or open oceans, rather it's used for going short distances in calm waters. These simple vessels are excellent for crossing lakes and rivers. While not the most ornately decorated or long lasting as other styles of waka, they are practical, useful and can be made quickly with easily accessible materials. Waka mōkihi were a simple but versatile vessel made fit for purpose.
For us at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo, a Waka Mōkihi symbolises coming together, working as a team to achieve our goals and taking the first steps towards increased responsibility and independence. When a waka mōkihi was needed, a whānau would come together to construct it. Everyone would work together as a team, while at the same time, the construction method was passed down from parent to child, from tuakana to teina. In our Waka Mōkihi team we aim to do the same; coming together as one, working as a team, learning from our parents, teachers and one another so that we can cast off onto our awa and begin our voyage of new learning.
The Rōpū leader for Mōkihi is Karen Haines.
Waka Kōpapa (Year 3/4)
A waka kōpapa was carved out of a single dug out tree trunk. Their thin short hulls made them maneuverable and fast on the water. Capable of transporting many people as well as some cargo, waka kōpapa were often used for transportation up and down rivers or across harbours. Their improved capacity, reliability and speed meant that they were some of the most common waka to be built. As they were practical vessels they usually were not as ornately carved or decorated as waka tētē, but still held an important role.
For us at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo, a waka kōpapa symbolises increased resilience and independence. The waka is quick on the water - many new skills have now been mastered and our students’ learning is accelerating into deeper waters. The waka is more sturdy - foundations of resilience have been laid and students are becoming more capable of riding the waves and rapids. The waka is maneuverable - students are taking onboard increasing responsibility for driving their learning.
The Rōpū leader for Kōpapa is Tash Todd.
Waka Tētē (Year 5/6)
Waka Tētē were larger waka often carved from more than one log joined together. They were more stable on the water and could carry a heavier load. Their haumi (hull joints) allowed them to flex and take on rougher seas. They were paddled by a team of people, where unity and discipline were needed to hold their course. Their hull carvings represent the story of Māui. The bow piece is the start of his life, the koru patterns represent all the things that he did during his life, such as slowing down the sun and fishing up Te Ika a Māui, and the stern post represents his end when he tried to become immortal. On our waka tētē, the carved figure on the bow represents Tūmatauenga - the god of war and human activity. He takes on the challenges of the sea facing him head first with grit and determination.
For us at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo, a waka tētē symbolises increasing collaboration and leadership, reliability and mana. A waka tētē can not be paddled alone; each member of the team must work together effectively to succeed. Some will take the lead while others will follow but we must all work as one to keep moving forward together. A waka tētē is stable in a choppy sea; we need to be able to weather the ups and downs, learn from our mistakes and continue on our education journey out to sea with grit and determination. A waka tētē has mana; we are the tuakana of our school, and we must lead by example in everything we do and show the way for our teina.
The Rōpū leader for Tētē is Katie Jenkins