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by Denise Torrey


Robyn Bradley - April 16, 2024

Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo has a commitment to Te Tiriti. There are a number of ways in which we do this including:

Te reo

All tamariki at Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo learn te reo. We have a Community of Practice programme written in conjunction with our iwi. This programme is taught using a hui format and staff have an ongoing professional development programme in te reo.


At Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo, we strive to allow all students to learn Te Reo Māori and build on their bicultural knowledge of Aotearoa. Kapahaka is a strength at our school and we are proud that each of our tauira (students) participates. Kapahaka also provides opportunities for our Māori students to take the lead as Māori. Our Year 6 leadership council acts as kaiāwhina supporting Daniel, Jacob, Kiri and Latiesha who lead the weekly kapa haka lessons in their teams.

This year our first performance will be at Matariki where we will invite our local ECE centres into our kura to help celebrate the Māori New Year. We will also have our premiere performance at the end of the year as part of the Kahukura Maunga Teitei festival with other schools from our rohe. We look forward to seeing you there!

Mauri ora ki a tātou katoa. 

Kura Reo 

In Terms 2 and 3 of each year our lead Teacher of Māori, Daniel Caigou, runs Kura Reo. Our Māori tamariki to come together on a Friday and have some fun language-based activities to build confidence in using Te Reo Māori. The rōpū are mixed ages and abilities with a focus on hands-on ‘real world’ language and giving Te Reo a go. Whānau is invited to join.

Whānau Hui

Our kura consults with our whānau each year on policies and programmes that impact Māori students.