Student Support
Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo - April 22, 2024
Wellbeing strategies including positively relating to others are taught in all areas of the school through our circle time programme and our SMART Values.
A strong connection with the class teacher is paramount in supporting our tamariki. If you are concerned about your child, in the first instance please meet with their teacher who may suggest some strategies to try at home. The partnership between home and school is important and can often address initial concerns.
The Deputy Principal / SENCO may become involved if the difficulties have not been resolved or if a higher level of intervention is needed.
At Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo, we have a very experienced Learning Support Team that support students with their learning. The Deputy Principal / SENCO leads the Learning Support Team and coordinates support for students by referring to outside agencies when required and if they meet the criteria for external support. E.g. Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour, Ministry of Education - Behaviour support, Speech Language Therapist.
Students who enrol and English is not their first language may be eligible for support to ensure they can communicate with others and access learning.
Another important system is our Pastoral Care Team. The team consists of members of our leadership team. Teachers identify students who may need to be monitored closely and the Deputy Principal/SENCO refers to other supports when necessary e.g. Mana Ake Team, Methodist Mission mentors, and Public Health Nurse.
The Board of Trustees acknowledge and support the learning and wellbeing of our Tamariki and this ensures we access some additional supports and interventions when possible.
Managing Behaviour
We have identified expected behaviour for each of our SMART values. Students are rewarded when they demonstrate these behaviours in a variety of ways.
When responding to inappropriate behaviour we use a consequence hierarchy. In the hierarchy, strategies are used to re-engage students positively.
Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo Consequence Hierarchy