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by Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo

Enrolment Overview

Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo - February 15, 2024

This is an important first step for a child and their parents. It is easier if you are well prepared for this event so please read through all this information, checking you are in zone as a starting point. Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo operates Cohort Entry for Five Year olds. See general enrolment information below.
  • Before your child is 5 (any-time after their 4th birthday) contact Julie Bassett (Principal's PA) and place their name on the database.
  • Once your address has been verified as being in our zone you will be given a code to complete the online enrolment form.
  • School starts for new entrants on the first day of the following term or day one of week 5 of term after child’s 5th birthday (see information on cohort entry).

The following details will be required when enroling your child in any area of the school

  • Child’s full name, date of birth, address and telephone number
  • Immunisation certificate – with proof of date on it
  • Parents / Guardians / Caregivers names and occupations
  • Health details including allergies, behaviour, medication requirements
  • Emergency contact details
  • Custody/Court orders
  • Birth certificate – all enrolments
  • Proof of address (for school zone) – this must be the latest utilities bill
  • Please contact the Principals PA for an appointment.