2020 Somerfield Te Kura Wairepo New Zealand Aotearoa Language Athon
Julie Bassett - March 12, 2020
Information below
There are 3 official languages in New Zealand. This year’s challenge is to learn as many new words in NZ Sign or Te Reo as we can.
Students will be practising these in class and at home. You will receive a sheet with words/signs to learn.
Our aim is to learn more about 2 of our languages.
Language Athon Sponsor Cards will go home Week 10 Term 1
Teachers will sign off the number of new words/signs on 22nd May
The Final day for collecting money is 5th June
On the 19th of June our PTA will be announcing the...
- Winning Class
- Lucky Experts
Money raised will go towards our new playground and landscaping.