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Te Kura o Tuahiwi

Te Kura o Tuahiwi - Term 4 Week 10


Tēnā koutou e te whānau , ko tēnei te pānui whakamutunga mō te tau.

by Dot Singh

We have had a crazy busy past few weeks here at Te Kura O Tuahiwi. Last week our Kāhu Year 7 and 8 ākonga went to Gore bay for camp. They had an awesome time and really enjoyed being out in Te Taiao together.A big mihi to Whaea Crisanna and Whaea Nush for the organisation of this camp. Also a big mihi to our whānau who came along to tautoko.We couldn't do what we do without you all.

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Term Dates 2024 and Start of Year Information

by Te Kura o Tuahiwi *

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Bus Service - 2024

by Te Kura o Tuahiwi *

The Board of Trustees are pleased to confirm that from Term 2 2024, Te Kura o Tuahiwi will have our own dedicated bus service.

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Tuahiwi School - Stationery Lists for 2024

by Tuahiwi School

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Te Kura o Tuahiwi 160 Jubilee/ Whānau Day

by Crisanna Nel

This year marked 163 years since the opening of Te Kura o Tuahiwi/ Tuahiwi School. We celebrated with a day based around our tamariki, whānau and hapori.

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Times Table Rockstar Legends

by Michelle Rigby

Introducing the TTRS Rock Legends of Te Kura o Tuahiwi.

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TTRS - Rock Hero

by Michelle Rigby

Elly Samuels becomes the first every Rock Hero at Te Kura o Tuahiwi

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Video: Ngā Whiwhinga | DigiAwards 2023 highlights reel

DigiAwards Celebration Evening.

by Michelle Rigby

DigiAwards 2023 highlights showing some of the best moments in this year's celebration of digital creativity in Waitaha.

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Tuākana Athletic Super Stars Representing Tuahiwi at Canterbury Zones this week!

by Kate Kennedy-Terrell

An awesome achievement to make it to the Canterbury Zones by Ruby Johnson, Blake Anthony and Te Arahi Harmon- Grenfell

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Kāhu hōpuni ki Pariroa/ Gore Bay

by Crisanna Nel

The Tau 7 and 8 headed off to Pariroa for a couple of days in the sun, relaxing and recharging for the last week of the year.

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Tuhaiwi Taonga

by Crisanna Nel

With auditions in class this year, the semi finals were held with Whaea Awhina and Whaea Crisanna in Tūranga. The lucky finalists ended up performing in front of a full house on our Jubilee/ Whānau Day!

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Te Mātāpuna Mātātahi Graduation 2023

by Crisanna Nel

Every year the rōpū of tamariki taking part in Children's University grows at Te Kura o Tuahiwi. This year we had 28 ākonga graduate.

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Kaiako learn too!

by Crisanna Nel

Our kaiako are life long learners, using pūkenga they learned when they were ākonga kura tuatahi/ primary school students. What have they been learning lately?

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Year 1 & 2 Netball

by Te Kura o Tuahiwi *

Learn Basic Netball Skills In A Fun Environment

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Community Dental Service

by Te Kura o Tuahiwi *

During the upcoming school holiday period we will be providing limited dental care at some fo our clinics.

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Free summer holiday coding activities

by Te Kura o Tuahiwi *

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