Newsletter Term 1 Week 2 2022

Thank You

by Kylie Chambers

Thank you so much to the families who helped feed Cocoa over the holiday break. I know it took time out of your busy days but It was much appreciated. It was good to know she was being visited and had fresh water and food.

As you can see from the photo above, she is loving having everyone back at school so she can be the centre of attention again.

She has changed so much from the feral kitten who wouldn't let me touch her for almost a year, to now craving all the attention she can get.

Bike Sponsorship Welcome

A picture collage of our tamariki in action on the Acon Bike Skills Track in Term 4, 2021.
My Movie by Alexia Skipper-Jones

With the bikes being enjoyed every day by our tamariki, we would appreciate more support to keep up with the maintenance bills. 

We are grateful to the whānau and local buisnesses that have already sponsored 27 bikes. We still have 23 bikes that would love to be named for $300 per bike. See picture gallery for examples.

If you are in a position to support, or know of a business that can sponsor our bikes, this would really help us out. Please email Alexia,