Newsletter Term 1 Week 2 2022

Staff Email contacts / Parent communication


We have really felt the effect of having to limit parents and caregivers on site and I am sure you have found it difficult not being able to have those incidental chats at pick up and drop off.

A key priority for us in the coming weeks will be to create some opportunities for you and your child's teacher to be able to 'meet'.

Included in this bulletin is a list of teacher email contacts, please do not hesitate to be in contact if there is anything that you wish to discuss or share in the coming days.

Office Administrator: Stephanie McGregor

Junior Team Leader R1-4 :  Louise Phipps

Middle/Senior Team Leader R 5-13: Kylie Chambers -

Te Puna Matauranga Leader: Trudie Ririnui

R1 Dawn Pahl

R2 Lou Fulton

R3 Lisa Hamilton

R4 Louise Phipps (Special Needs Coordinator)

R5 Carolyn Green

R6 Louis Arthur

R7 Donelle Shilling -

Te Kakano - Trudie Ririnui

Te Kauri - Te Waikohua Rata

R11 Logan Wright

R12 Sophie Andrews

R13 James Kerr

Reading Recovery / Literacy Support Aprile Buchan

Sports Coordinator Alexia Skipper

Library / TA Tracey Spearman