Newsletter Term 1 Week 2 2022

Settling in and Goal setting Meetings

This week we are holding parent/teacher meetings
Meeting by

This week you are able to book some time with your child's teacher to share information and to set learning goals for 2022.

Simply log on to and  enter the user code: adw48

Select your child's teacher and preferred times.

20-minute timeslots are available between 3:10 and 6:30 daily and we hope that you will be able to manage a time to meet either in person** or via Google Meet.

Of course, we encourage you to meet/communicate with your child's teacher at any mutually agreeable time -but specific times will be set aside in week 4.

Meeting protocols

  • Please scan in and sanitise at entry and ensure you are wearing a mask.
  • Maintain social distancing
  • If you have a mask exemption, or are unprepared to wear a mask, we ask that you arrange an online meeting instead please. 
  • If your preference is to have an online meeting -please communicate directly with the class teacher concerned and they will create a meeting link for you at the designated time

Staff Email contacts / Parent communication


We have really felt the effect of having to limit parents and caregivers on site and I am sure you have found it difficult not being able to have those incidental chats at pick up and drop off.

A key priority for us in the coming weeks will be to create some opportunities for you and your child's teacher to be able to 'meet'.

Included in this bulletin is a list of teacher email contacts, please do not hesitate to be in contact if there is anything that you wish to discuss or share in the coming days.

Office Administrator: Stephanie McGregor

Junior Team Leader R1-4 :  Louise Phipps

Middle/Senior Team Leader R 5-13: Kylie Chambers -

Te Puna Matauranga Leader: Trudie Ririnui

R1 Dawn Pahl

R2 Lou Fulton

R3 Lisa Hamilton

R4 Louise Phipps (Special Needs Coordinator)

R5 Carolyn Green

R6 Louis Arthur

R7 Donelle Shilling -

Te Kakano - Trudie Ririnui

Te Kauri - Te Waikohua Rata

R11 Logan Wright

R12 Sophie Andrews

R13 James Kerr

Reading Recovery / Literacy Support Aprile Buchan

Sports Coordinator Alexia Skipper

Library / TA Tracey Spearman